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About This File

Ornaments For Charity is a project from the members of Scroll Saw Village. For the last 14 years, our designers have donated their talents by creating wonderful ornament patterns for the Holiday Season. It has become so popular, and so big, we had to split it into 2 books! Book 1 covers our first 10 years; 2010-2021.  Our newest book, Book 2, covers 2021-2024.  Between the two books, we have 175 pages with 545 Holiday ornament patterns!  So be sure to download both books!  

This popular eBook was featured in the Holiday 2014 issue of Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts (read the article here).


Is it really free? 

Here's how it works.  Download the eBook and take a look at what we have to offer. If you decide to keep it, all we ask is that you donate to your favorite charity.  You get a ton of great ornament patterns, and you help those in need in return.   Remember, this isn't about "buying" an eBook of patterns, it's about giving to a worthy cause. If you don't have a favorite charity, we have listed a number of national (and international) charities below that could use your help. Remember, the purpose is to raise money for those in need. So, please dig deep when donating.


Ornaments For Charity - 2024 Edition


Please donate to one of these fine charities or a charity of your choice.


Toys for Tots is a program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve which donates toys to children whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts for Christmas. By giving to Toys for Tots, you'll bring the magic of Christmas to children in need.


The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a non-profit organization that grants wishes to children (2.5 years to 18 years old) who have life-threatening medical conditions.  It is a wonderful charity that brings a few moments of joy.


Habitat For Humanity is an international, non-governmental, non-profit organization devoted to building simple, decent, and affordable housing for those who would not otherwise be able to afford their own home.


A donation to your local food bank will ensure that the hungry will be fed in your own community. Make a difference in your neighbor's life.


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Excelentes patrones, un cordial saludo desde Colombia...


Jim Parks


Very nice designs.  Presently making toys for Operation Christmas Child. My goal is 12 each month for a total of 144+.

Happy Scrolling!



First, thank you for allowing me to join. The patterns are great. My wife and I are going to enjoy cutting them for family and friends. We donate to St. Jude regularly so these books are just an added incentive to donate a little more. Thank you for the books they are wonderful. God bless!



Thank you for providing all these patterns. I've already cut few and donated to Toys for Tots.



Tengo desde el primer archivo de hacer ornamentos que salieron y todos me parecen muy bien, agradezco a la persona que se ha dedicado a estos patrones para deleite de los que apreciamos esta labor artesanal.


Gracias y Feliz Navidad a todos



These patterns look great I hope that the offer still exists.

Dee Cee


Wonderful patterns.  Thanks to all the designers and their talents. I will most defiantly  contribute to the Toys for 
Tots program as a thank you for this book. Now off to my saw I go.



Brilliant idea with amazing and generous contributors. I have donated to “survivors r us” a local charity which assist women and men fleeing violent domestic relationships and helping them move on to the next stage of their lives. 


· Edited by Simond26


Some great patterns to choose from I will be getting started tomorrow on some.Everything I make goes to my wife for her  local Cancer charity she runs (Doncaster Cancer Support) to make money for her to help local Cancer patients.i need to get stuck in to get some more finished in time for her Christmas fund raiser day20221110_075933.thumb.jpg.10c66cec46c15a66f8dbbbbbe68d6b27.jpg



As always Toys for Tots, St Jude Hospital, and Boys Town.

So many worthy Charitys, and local food banks. 

  I think you have a great thing going.

God bless us all. In the words of Tiny Tim.


john nelson


just found about scroll saw village..........i know a little about scrolling but i am not good at all with a computer so will be very limited.   i started scrolling back in 1980 when scrolling was just getting started.  i was involved with starting the original SAW organization.  looking forward to getting involved.    i have a few scroll saw patterns and lots of ideas to share.  my latest idea is a simple way to add detailed COLOR ART to scrolling.  have a great day.



Love the patterns , I would like to donate to our local Sheffield Children's Hospital if this is ok with you,                     Thank You For making these available 



As a Retired Marine, I always support the Toys for Tots Program. Plus a few other including my church. Thank you for the file.

Jim Blume


What an amazing resource, and all for worthy causes. Thanks to Travis for all the hard work you have put into this over the years, and also to the folks who have included some awesome ornament patterns. We will add an extra $100. tp our annual donation to the Gary Sinise Foundation, a non-profit which builds homes for special needs veterans.

Thank you all so much.



Can't waited to get started.  Fantastic collection.  




How do I download this wonderful E-book?There wasn't a link to the download.

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