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  • Marketplace - Forum Rules

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    This is a forum to post items that have a more commercial appeal. This can be things that you're selling, wanting to buy, or great deals you stumble across during your internetting adventures. Below are a few things you can post in this forum:

    • Hot Deals you've come across
    • New and Used Equipment
    • Supplies
    • Patterns
    • New website announcements.
    • Press Releases

    Please remember there is a fine line between informative posts and spam. Announcements should be relevant to scrollers. Posts that are not appropriate for this community will be removed. Artificially 'bumping' your thread will get the thread removed permanently.

    Hot Deals

    We all love a bargain. If you come across a great deal you'd like to share with fellow scrollers, you can share those here. Please note, you are not allowed to post an affiliate URL that leads to you earning cash, banner impressions, credits, points, etc.

    Classified Ads

    You may use this forum as a "Classified" section. You may post "Wanted" ads, barter, or sell used equipment/extra supplies. Any agreements should be finalized via PM or email, not in the forums. Transactions are made between the two parties and are in no way affiliated with Scroll Saw Village. Please note that if you are using this forum as a means of income, you must follow the regulations outlined below in Commercial Websites.

    Commercial Websites

    You are allowed one thread to promote your products or specials. Please update your thread with updates, new deals, or new pattern announcements. Special provisions can be made if your announcement does not fit the 'theme' of your thread (ie press releases). If in doubt, it is probably best to ask.

    New Website Announcements

    You are allowed one thread to announce your scroll saw related website or blog. This is a great way for members to discover other websites of interest. When making an announcement, please take the time to write a nice description of what we can expect from your website. Posts that are merely "Look At My Website" posts will be removed.

    Press Releases

    You may publish official press releases here. They should be in a press release format that is article based and informative.

  • Note:  These rules are subject to change at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to keep up to date with changes made to this document. Please read the User Guidelines for additional information.


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