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Do not know the Designer of this pattern.  Brother sent it to me over 10 years ago.  Cut it Way back then on Pine. 

This time on OAK....  Used mostly the FDUR#1 blade.  Went thru over a Dozen.  Not mainly because of Dullness,

but because with feeding it thru the TINY holes and being so Long and Awkward Accidently BENT THE BLADE.

Anyway did learn something....WOULD OF BEEN A....WALK IN THE PARK....If I was good at using SPIRALS. 

oK Enough yacking.  Hope you all Enjoy viewing this piece.  Comments are Always welcome....  Danny  :+}



Wow that is fragile. You will need to be very careful with it. Bet you had to hold your breath a few times while cutting it. Well done Danny.




Just LOVE being a part of our Scrolling Family....        Thank Yous to All for your Kind thoughts.     Yes some areas was a Hold the Breath time, but all went very good overall.  Just a bit of FYI....  Was advised to run my Hegner bout half speed.  To me thats considered SLOW.  Gave it a SERIOUS go, but very soon decided to CRANK it up to 3/4 throttle and the cutting was very, very easy and smooth with following the LINE.  Just had trouble following the line with running the saw SLOW.  Anyway.............Danny  :+}

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