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Hello from Charotte, NC.  I discovered scrolling about a year ago, and it has been my passion ever since.  So far, I've done mostly fretwork and intarsia. I learned a lot over that year, but obviously I still have a lot more to learn.  I'm looking forward to gleaning insights from this forum, and contributing in whatever limited ways that I can.    


Glad you found us ! We're happy you found us,and will share all we know to help you scrolling endeavors skyrocket you to the top of your class.Best thing that ever happened to me was joining SSV and making hundreds of loyal friends with the same interests.Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and meet some of the finest folks in the scrolling business.Enjoy your stay and don't miss a day here .There's something going on everyday that's different.P.S. we love pictures! :)


Hi Jim, welcome to the Village.  I'm Marg from Australia.  Scroll IS addictive and there is No cure, but I guess you have already figured that out.  :lol:;)




Portland Oregon suburb-----location!


Welcome to the insanity-- BUT we have fun!


Seriously--great bunch all want to see new work and very willing to share ideas and help resources locator and all of that!


Hi Jim,

   A big Welcome to The Village, You sound like me, I too have been scrolling for a few years but started with intarsia. I know you will enjoy coming back here often and getting to know everyone one. This is one of the most interesting places I love to be at. You will find a lot of great and many that are so willing to share anything they have with you. This is a huge family from all over the world that comes together better than most neighbors.





Welcome to the village!!! We will be looking forward to seeing pictures of your work. Don’t worry about mistakes, We all make them. You will probably be the only one that realizes it isn’t perfect. We are all our own worst critics. :ninja: :ninja:  

Come back often and don’t be afraid to join in the conversation. :D :D  :D  

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