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Finally got a little time to do a bit of scrolling.  Made this *Wind Chime*  for a friend of mine in Illinois.  This is a Steve Good Pattern.  I am making two Chimes.  This one has a 1/2 inch backer which the pattern calls for.  I found this to be too heavy and for the second Chime I am using a 1/4 inch backer.  I will post a picture when I finish the second one.


Thanks for looking,  ChelCass








This on JUDY is B  I  G! Might have been easier to do with a jigsaw.The finished project here is sure to bring smiles to all that come across it's path.Nice job of it!Glad you squeezed in some quality time to scroll and stop in to say hello to the gang here.Remember the coffee's always free here in the mornings! :cool:


Thanks everybody.  We finally got the house and garage repaired now we have to decide if we are going to do battle with the insurance co. over the barn.  Steve's pattern is sized so the backer it is a bit bigger then the scroll,  part of the backer was cut on my bandsaw and the finish cuts I did on the scroll.


Hi Judy lovely to see you again, hope you are all better and I see that all of the repairs to the garage and house are finished, I bet that feels good. Your work has carried on where you left off, really great.



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