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Been in the workshop again.

Phantom Scroller

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Here's a few things I've been busy with. I cut down a black bambo and made the bee house and the business holder is made from oak and a dowel and lastly the e-cig holder is made from African tiger wood made for a friend at work. If you don't know what a E.CIG is it one of these http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.co.uk/  for the people trying not to smoke.






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The bee house is for the solitary bee which lay it's eggs in a hole in the wood etc


Now i'm trying to figure out what the first one is ? But the card holders are outasight! :cool:



 Well done. Interesting items there, never heard of a bee house before. Now I have!



The bee house is for the solitary bee which lay it's eggs in holes in wood canes etc. I have a few different shape ones around the garden it great to watch them going in and out all day.

here's a few pics https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=solitary+bee+house+instructions&espv=2&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=zzvCU7TxJ-7G7AbI0IDIAw&ved=0CFYQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=775

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attachicon.gifP1090074.JPGattachicon.gifP1090075.JPGattachicon.gifP1090076.JPGattachicon.gifP1090077.JPGThanks Roly made myself one today using 3mm MDF :)


attachicon.gifP1090074.JPGattachicon.gifP1090075.JPGattachicon.gifP1090076.JPGattachicon.gifP1090077.JPGThanks Roly made myself one today using 3mm MDF :)

Great work Ed the little addition I made was to stick a larger pick of dowel rounded off over the ends of the dowels, very good with the cards in. Thanks for showing. Roly

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They're great Roly.  I am honestly intrigued with the bee house. Do you get any honey out of them or do they just have their babies in there?



Marg they use them to hatch there young and only make enough honey to feed them selves and the young and once they have laid them they seal the ends and the next year the young make there way out and so it starts again. here endeth the lesson in bee houses. Also ladybirds and other insects over winter in them there great to pollen-ate your flowers. Roly 

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Marg they use them to hatch there young and only make enough honey to feed them selves and the young and once they have laid them they seal the ends and the next year the young make there way out and so it starts again. here endeth the lesson in bee houses. Also ladybirds and other insects over winter in them there great to pollen-ate your flowers. Roly


Thanks Roly.  I learn something new everyday. :thumbs:;)



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