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Big win at Orange County fair in Southern Calif.


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The Orange country fair opened on Firday and our daughter went and sent us this photo.  Can't believe it I got a 1st and 2nd place ribbon in the competition.  Feel almost like I hit the lotto.  The first place winner is "First Fathers" the Mount Rushmore project with the Native Amerian chiefs below.  The second place winner is a pattern my a fellow named Mrsaw from 2006.  It is an interpetation of the Vietnam Veterans Stature in Washington DC that is next to the Wall.

Thank you pattern makers.  Both are about 16 X 18 inch. 

The First Fathers is on a piece of wood about 1/2 inch think that has a natural edge and I really like the grain in it.  The Vietnam stature is 1/8 Oak ply and I did stack cut 3.

It is framed with wood I saved from the drawers of an old dresser that was trashed and I kept the drawers and used the frount part and rip it and routed it over and made the stock for the frames.

I'm going to stop now, I am so pumped up I could rattle on for ever.




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Awe inspiring hand crafted works display.A real show stopper conversation pieces.I'm sure they were talking about plenty as folks went home and relayed the day events to friends(you should have seen this)!There have been several examples of hard earn work in the village and this is one of them.Wish I could trade places with you for an hour or two to feel the beam of exzileration of atta boy ! :cool: :cool: :cool:

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Two beautiful cuttings Jim, it's easy enough to see why you won. Are you going to be selling them, if so, you should put the for sale signs on them right there at the fair. I would think that they would bring in the big bucks, thanks for sharing them with us. Enjoy the accolades, you deserve them.


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