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Okay, now that I have your attention. I have a bit of a quandary.


While selling our wares at a craft show I was approached by a young man and his 3 yr old son. They purchased a small item, and while we were talking he asked if I would be willing to show him how to make one of the toys we had on display, and he would be willing to pay for my time.  The toy he picked, an old school sturdy little dump truck with moving dump body and tailgate, is not real complicated, but with cutting parts, shaping, gluing and such is a 2-3 day project allowing gluing time and finishing time, with a couple hours each session.


Now my quandary. I have absolutely no idea what would be a fair and reasonable amount to ask for. I'll need to get back to him in a couple days, so appreciate the input.




I would charge whatever you sell the truck for plus a tuition fee or show him how to cut the truck then supply him with the materials needed including blades then you could sell the truck on afterwards, .....Paul


Is he going to make it with your equipment or his own?  Does he actually know anything about woodwork?  If he is cluey and has his own equipment you would charge him less than if he's got no idea and using your equipment.  Just a few things to think about.



Posted (edited)

Throw it out there what you time is worth,travel time included.Give a ball park high price and go down from there if need be.He's willing to pay, your willing to get your price.I had a similar offer to make do it your self planter boxes .The guy has no experience i n wood working and wanted everything to be numbered so he could put it together him self.The time and making it fool proof was way beyond my patience. i passed that one up.?There was a lot of angled planter boxes to prefab too. :shock: :shock: :shock:It's the man not the boy that's wants you to show him how to do this ,yes?

Edited by amazingkevin

What are you spending time wise? Four hours? Using your supplies & equip? What kind of vehicle does he drive? As in, is he well off? Could he become a friend? 'Cause you'd help a friend cheaper.

And like Paul said,'Charge him for the truck.'


I have spend many hours coaching youngsters even Adults, I've never charged anybody for my time but they did have to cover material. To me the pleasure I get watching a young child picking up the ins and outs of scrolling is worth every cent I give up. I remember going to woodworking classes when I was 8 they only charged us for the material. But I did limit my lessons to not interfere with my productivity, I just set up a time where it worked for both of us. Watching a child picking up the craft of scrolling is worth every cent.

Just my opinion.


My original response was to say I would only charge him for materials, but he is being a bit insistent  He would come to my shop and be using  my equipment, which means I'm going to need to get after the organizing and detailed cleaning in the shop I've sorta been putting off due to the heat we've had lately. (No AC in the shop!) 

I'll be honest, the extra money would be very welcome, but I don't want to be greedy.


Crap! Being raised in the 50's-60's the thought of being sued if the guys a klutz and injures himself never crossed my mind! I did explain to him why I thought making the the dump truck wasn't ideal for a first project, and how long it would take so maybe that has dissuaded him as I haven't heard back. 


There was a sign someplace on the internet, something like "$10 per hour for the product, $15 per hour if you watch, $20 per hour if you help". I don't remember the numbers but the idea stuck.


Do you know of any places in the area that offer classes that you could use as a benchmark? I have one near me http://www.americanworkshop.com  Private lessons go for $36 an hour. classes $75-$200 depending on what is going on.


I think in this case, I would bow out and sell him the truck if he really wants it and then tell him if he is interested enough in scrolling to go on SSV and view the tutorials and if he is still interested after that, to buy a scroll saw and give it a go. Then after that, if he needs some pointers or if you can answer any questions then give him your phone number and have him give you a call. I have taken the time to teach my grandson how to scroll but non family members, I just show them my saw, the basics of how it is done and that is about how far I go with them. I agree with Hans about the rewards of teaching others but it is a sue happy world out there so that is about as far as i push things.





Well, the quandry has been avoided for now. I had sent him a long email explaining what it would take to cut out and make the truck, and that since his son was only 3 there wasn't really anything in the process he could participate in. The fellow thanked me for explaining it to him, and has decided to wait a few years until his son is old enough to take part.


The fact that he told you his son was three ,speaks volumes ,that should maybe the first  question asked to determine how much time and energy you spend on the next guy ,who you obviously impressed . there are a lot of lonely BS artists out there that will waste you best efforts and time ,dam shame you are out in that position trying to do the right thing only to find your dealing with a complete --------------------,you fill in the blank ! Been down that road on a few occasions -----------------was not a happy camper ,I try not to be too cynical , but you feel like a fool afterwards . There are some that will jerk your chain just for the sport. Trust but varify ! We all want to be nice and helpful to everyone but these clowns made it hard ,they are part of the ten% that make it hard continue to be!! End of my Rant!

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