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 Way to go, Kevin. I would have been happy to cut this pattern if I had it. I have been so busy with items that are selling or people having babies and getting wed that I am having difficulty getting my tower cut again





I knew you'd especially like seeing this Han's as youv'e done one yourself too.The completed one is up to snuff with everything tweaked and refined.it took lots of painstaking work to get it there from bad mismatched patterns.But loved the experience of working on the Eiffels tower few people can say bthat,lol :cool:


Thanks Smitty the pattern is free from some Egyptian site but when you print it out then the problems start bwith miss matched things,but you will work mit out ,everybody does, unfortunately, lol  Egyptianeiffelstower/scrollsawpattern .com      might take you close to the sire so you can searh further to find it.I forget how exactlt that i found it! :cool:

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