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Why I like pigs (other than just for porkchops and bacon) is another story.  You did your "Porky" pattern a while back which I immediately printed and cut out but without the name Porky.




I called it the Happy Porkchop.  My son-in-law's aunt in South Africa is dealing with the end stages of cancer and loves to collect pig things.  When he said that, I sent the Happy Porkchop to him to send to his aunt.  The response was that she just likes regular pigs, not ones with wings or sitting on words but cut out of a piece of wood rather than in a piece of wood.  So I took my "Believe" flying pig and my napkin ring flying pig


and took off the word Believe and the wings and sent them to my son-in-law so he could send a regular pig and several napkin rings as well as the Happy Porkchop to his aunt.  She was totally delighted and much to the surprise of my son-in-law she liked the Happy Porkchop the best.  She also names all of her pigs and without any knowledge that it was anything other than a Happy Porkchop, she named it "Porky."  Long story but I did want to share it with you and let you know in addition to a Happy Porkchop at my house in Nebraska, Porky also brought enjoyment to a very ill woman in South Africa who needs all the opportunities to smile she can and its South African name is the same as the name the pattern artist gave it.  A big thanks to you Roly.



You deserve a lot of credit for having brought enjoyment to a very ill lady. Isn't it amazing what a small gesture can do for another. The world can sure do with more people like you Doug. Thank you for sharing.


What a lovely gesture Doug. You must be feeling warm inside to know you brought happiness to someone on the other side of the world, who really needed it. It's nice to know there are still folks like you in the world who think of others, rather than themselves. My Grandmother used to call selfish people " Music Teachers" ME, ME,ME, ME, ME.. Well done that man :D  :D  :D .

Rob Roy.


Doug it's always nice to know I'm of some use to someone great work. I didn't know there were so many piggy collectors out there until some joker at work left a pink letter pig rack on my table with a note saying here's so wood for you, so I put it on Ebay the same day for 99p and sold it for £6 plus posted on top, loads of people trying to buy it and I copied the sale onto A4 and put it on my desk knowing they would come back and check if it was still there and see I sold it. haa haa.

So the laugh was on them, I did make a copy in wood of the original to make some more but never got around to it lol  thanks again Roly


I posted so Roly and all of you would know Roly's sharing of his talent brought a smile to the face of an ill lady in South Africa.  But thanks for all of the kind comments. Knowing this group of people I am sure you each have already done the same numerous times or will at some time.  We all scroll for our own reasons.  I scroll for enjoyment and relaxation and the love of working with wood.  I have never sold anything and never will so it is all about finding someone to give something to and hopefully bring a smile to their face no matter how briefly but in the hope they will get some enjoyment from it and know someone cared enough to devote some of their own time and energy to creation of the piece for the recipient.  Since I primarily do word art, I leave you with his one




Thanks Doug for those words this is the beauty of the people on this FORUM we are a family and family always give things to each other, no pattern maker who creates patterns for people on here ask for anything in return and like myself I just like to see people cut them and give someone a smile as yourself. don't ever change what you do my friend, God Bless. Roly


I don’t know how I missed this thread but BRAVO to both Doug and Roly for this act of kindness. I know that I get the most enjoyment out of the pieces I give away and I love seeing the giving nature of this whole group of people on this forum. We all pick on each other in good fun as good friends do but when it comes right down to it you people are the best and I am proud to call you my friends even thou I have never and will probably never meet you face to face.

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