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After publishing my website on webs.com I find its not what I published. Its seems to me that they don't want to help you if its free, they want you to pay.  I just received my new  business cards, wish I had known this before.  I had a paid website for years, but it got to be expensive thats why I wanted to try a free one.  edward


I just bet you can't wait to get your govt.low cost health care.with all the free benefits for the entitled and un documented .the price of new cards not included .your right I'm being a S----- A-- Sorry ! Most free things seem to have some strings attached! unintended circumstances ,misunderstandings yata yata !

Like the second one free ,BUT you have to pay the (extra )shipping and handling ,gotcha !


Take heart ,there are those who think they do ,and those who are sure they do .and us ! The problem is every time you know all the answers ,some Jack a-- changes the rules ,just like our fearless leader ,they are always after the common good as long as it serves there purpose no matter what it causes or costs ,there is a complete list of miscalculcation mis interpidtation and un intended consiquesces in our open and transparent society buried deeper than Grants tomb guarded 24/7 while the party continues ,rules were ment to be broken amended and changed at the drop of a hat ,while those doing it are clad in teflon and bullet proof atire that deflects fault every where but where it is aimed .now were back to open and transparent problem w/i missouri police ,another nisraction for cover while on the 9th green .  Simply amazing ,how much of this the polulation will stand for ,if you can not convince them confuse them .Seems to be the new norm .

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