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This LADY had A TRUCK LOAD OF RED MULCH DELIEVERD TO HER HOUSE And put in craigs list free mulch move some take some .so if you moved 10 buckets full you get 10 buckets of mulch free.I offered to help if nobody came  but people showed .I made her name for her for being a good person with this offer.I may get some for myself ,but im hurt like her too i can't do much anymore. I fight with myself all the time .i say i can do this but the body say not anymore so i get embarrased a a lot voulentering ! :cool:no stand yet ran out of time! post-1607-0-29611300-1409017452_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-45052900-1409017419_thumb.jpgpost-1607-0-62983000-1409017495_thumb.jpg


Thank you for looking Mahendra,i'm starting to warm up again .been away from the scroll saw 1 year.It's coming back slow . miss the little tricks and quick cover ups I learned thru the years. just like the piano play ,hit the wrong note ,keep on playing just blend it in! :cool:


Kevin you are really going to town with those names.  Great job on that.  I am sure she is going to love that.  Thanks for sharing this with us.


Have you ever wondered why folks over 50 tend to be supervisors, managers?  It because we know how to do the job however there are times when our bodies go " Oh yea?  I don't think so " so we pass the information on to the younger folks and let them do all the straining while we make sure that they are doing it "right" :)




No Roly  all 3/4" mostly plywood or spruce,but aromatic cedar if paying or requested.Feliicia called today and ordred three names and if things go good she will order much more .she's into jewelz and wants to load up names with them.She has a store ,been there a while on a very busy main road.A better sign would help maybe. :cool:

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