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Thank you DW,I enjoyed every second cutting it with the DW 788!My friend that keep me alive with food delieverd from the food bank he worked at asked if he could have it.Sure!His timing was GOD sent as i was at the end of my rope starveing.I called him one day after many moons past and he told me he was out of work too and could bring me food .Boy did he ever!Keep the Faith! :cool:

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Larry you must be running a 386 computer?Thanks for looking. I met a guy with a super  ice looking ice cream truck > He liked my work and i noticed some nice wood in his warehouse.I asked about it and he gave me one.I don't know what kind od beautiful wood i was but i knew it needed something special made with it and the Lords Prayer got it.I made him a potraite of his truck in wood too boot. :cool:

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