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I have recently become interested in using the scroll saw to make some small sculptures. I have a borrowed Sears Commercial saw that I borrowed from a friend. I wanted to see if I like to use a scroll saw. After completing a couple of small pieces, I am looking for a scroll saw of my own!


I live in Alachua, Florida ( close to Gainesville, FL ). My wife and I have just retired from producing large scale stained glass.


I also joined another scroll saw forum. Do the same people use different forums? Is it alright to post on more than one forum. I do like to get some feedback to my projects and was wondering if it is alright to post photos of the same work on different forums.....or is that over doing it? ;)




Welcome Ray. Clayton answered your question on posting and soon

Kevin will be along to tell you where to get a scroll saw in Florida.

Meantime, tour the Village and participate in our chats.

Oh, the more old guys the better.......


Old guys Larry????. You speak for yourself. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: .

Rob Roy.


Welcome MR.RAY,Better get two saws as when the wife see's you spending more time with the saw than her she's going to want to get even!,lol.Sears saws are ok, i can't get my hand in the 18" or smaller ones to change the blade.The c-arm ones are great long life saws.Chinese saws are great beginners saws for the weekend warriors,but not built to last.Lots of these on"Craigs" list for under $50 bucks .No harbor freight scroll saw ever they are the worst!On chinese saws the connecting rod at the ends of the arms have no lubrication points and wear out quick.Start out with inferior machines so when you get a dewalt 788 you will be in 7th. Heaven and wonder how you managed to scroll with out one.Lots of creature comforts, but the best are the top arm lifts way up, making it easier to thread the blade through your projects repeatedly.Best thing i ever did was try a scroll saw !Greatest relaxation creature comfort  around!

Posted (edited)

Back again Ray,  just went to alucha florida craigs list and found a hawk for $300.Many many beginer saws at a low price.in your search box enter craigs list alucha florida.then find tools  then enter scroll saw in two words and you'll spend some time deciding on which one you want by price and make ,enjoy your new hobby! :cool:click on thishttps://gainesville.craigslist.org/


then enter tools and then scroll saw

Edited by amazingkevin

Hi Ray welcome to the village, I see you've met the old guys already that saves me from having to introduce them to you. I think it is great belonging to as many scroll saw sites as you can and do strut your stuff on all of them. Myself I frequent about 6 different sites, a lot have the same members but there is different ones on each one also. I find the over seas sites have a lot of nice patterns to offer that why I belong to them. But please visit the free pattern section on this site as its great also.

Do snoop around this site lots of fun and great people.



Hi Ray, welcome to the Village. I'm Marg from Australia. As you can see, ask a question and it will be answered. Welcome to your new addiction, because that is what scolling is. :)




Wecome to The Village, Ray. This is the place where the entire world come together to talk, share and live their love for scrolling. I started scrolling after retiring 12 years ago and I find scrolling to be both relaxing and challenging. I hope you find as much enjoyment from scrolling as most of this big family, here does. There are so many experienced and talented people here and if you log on often you will soon be drawn to this scrollsaw page, partly do to the willingness of others to share their talents and knowledge with everyone else. We all are constantly learning from one another. As soon as you become familiar with everyone here you will realize that you too are part of this family. Glad you found us, now get to know us all




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