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Posted (edited)

I assembled a project I was making with tight tightbond2 glue. a couple of days later i discovered that i assembled the part wrong, I tried every way i could think about to get it apart with out breaking it, I was then told by a friend to use vinegar,I didn't want to soak the part so I took a foam paint brush and dabbed the joints with vinegar a couple of times and when i wiggled the part at the joint it  came apart now All I have to do is clean up the joints. just a little information for others that don't watch what they are doing, don't be like work smart.

Edited by ike

Keven if you baked the cookies  forget it they are probably burnt you don't have time to make all that you do and bake cookies. send them to Larry

Hi Ike, you might find Kevin's Kookies are made with SAW DUST. Got to get rid of it somewhere. ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;) .

Rob Roy.


I like that idea because I put vinegar on my chips and they disappear as well. lol :lol:  Thanks for the info I'll remember that one ike. :cool: Roly

Ha Ha Roly, You've HAD YOU'RE CHIPS. And my missus is sour enough at times WITHOUT the vinegar. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:.

Hope you're getting rid of those shingles Roly.

Rob Roy 


Good to know.. Now if I can only remember that. I wonder if it works with other wood glue too..  I will also try the heat gun thing. I have to start too many of my posts with 'oops', so these might change some of my posts






Keven if you baked the cookies  forget it they are probably burnt you don't have time to make all that you do and bake cookies. send them to Larry


Ike, I got Kevin's cookies and I put them in vinegar. Guess what? They fell apart. :rofl: :rofl:


Wow that's a life saver us wood guys really need Tips and tricks #495 Very good  ike  go have some cookies and milk for that oneattachicon.gifcookies an milk.jpg

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