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Posted (edited)

Travis that is a message I recieved upon opening the subject a few minutes ago ! Please explain ,Have I done something wrong ,what does it mean ,and what is the proper proceedure ,as of yet ,I have neither selected cancel or delete ,I await some guidance and explaination !! Carl  


When ,I attempted to post I got the below message ,so I pixed with my phone ,but some how it still posted ?

Edited by Multifasited

I don't even know what that means.  Is it a forum error message.  Or is it a popup window that comes up?  Do you know how to do a screen shot?  If I could see it, I might be able to help better.  I don't recognize the error message.


I don't even know what that means.  Is it a forum error message.  Or is it a popup window that comes up?  Do you know how to do a screen shot?  If I could see it, I might be able to help better.  I don't recognize the error message.

I took a pix of the screen with my phone I hope you can read !



I don't even know what that means.  Is it a forum error message.  Or is it a popup window that comes up?  Do you know how to do a screen shot?  If I could see it, I might be able to help better.  I don't recognize the error message.

Travis ,I guess not ,might be handy to know ,to be able to show exactly what I am recieving without trying to explain and stop confusion . How do I do it ?


That error message means that you posted several replies or new threads in a short amount of time.  A tactic that spammers use is the create an authenticated account, then lay dormant for awhile.  Then late in the evening, they flood the forum with new threads and replies of spam.  It's very difficult for a Admin to remove them all before the damage has been done (sometimes shutting down a server which is called a DOS (denial of service) attack).  The amount of time between posts is like 30 seconds or something.  So it's not long.


Obviously you're not doing that, but that's the reason behind the safeguard.  It sounds to me like you're waiting a fair amount of time between posts.  Perhaps you clicked the post button multiple times, which sends several queries to the server.  That may have happened, but not as likely.


Here's what I'd do.  Sign out of SSV.  Then reboot your computer.  Resign into SSV and see if you're still having the same issues.  Report back your results.  :)


Roly ,your probably correct ,Travis ,I followed you suggestion . Believe it or not I am not infallible ,But as you all know some times I write some long posts ,detailed and it takes me more time to write than most think is worthy ,but that's just the way I am ,some times the process takes me a hr. to convey the subject ,get the pix etc. .When it kicks all that out and I loose all the text ,and have to do it all over again ,even I wonder if it is worth the effort ,I have even thought about doing it in WORD and printing it out ,and attempt to scan to forum ,at least I would not loose all the labor ,If I were more computer literate I might try it !  drinks are on me at the coffee shop ,might even slip a pint in the cupboard ,and  some hardtack !


Next long winded disertation ,I give it a shot ,Thanks !


Carl, EMAIL!, I copy to email and either send or put it in waiting...to me of course.

G o l l y... Carls treating. I'll have my special. Ice tea no sugar and pour two shots

of grape juce in.


Here's a quick tip.  If you accidentally close your window, or you need to refresh, not all may not be lost.  In the lower left corner of your window, you'll see a link that says View Auto Saved Content. Click that and a popup window will appear asking you if you want to restore your previous content.  Hopefully that will save the stuff you were working on if something goes wrong.




Here's a quick tip.  If you accidentally close your window, or you need to refresh, not all may not be lost.  In the lower left corner of your window, you'll see a link that says View Auto Saved Content. Click that and a popup window will appear asking you if you want to restore your previous content.  Hopefully that will save the stuff you were working on if something goes wrong.



Me and a few others I am sure, thank you for that tip !

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