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I used to get 1/8" (really 5/32") maple plywood from Sloan's.  They no longer carry it on their website.  I can get 1/4" maple plywood locally but I want something thinner for ornaments.  Anyone have have an on-line source for thin maple plywood?


I sent an email to Sloan's.  Here is their reply:


We haven’t been able to find the 1/8†hardwood plywood lately, sorry.

The only thing we have is the 1/8†Baltic Birch.


We will have more of the ¼†plywood in stock in about 2 weeks.


It was signed by David Sloan.


I used to get my hardwoods from Sloans a few years back and I received a similar reply as to why they no longer handled hardwoods. I suspect they could no longer purchase at what they were willing to pay.

As for maple ply, I just received a newer catalog from "Cherry Tree" ( part of "Wildwood") and 1/8" maple ply is listed. Hope this helps.


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