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okay the only problem i have ever had with my excaliber 21is pulling threads out of top clamping head. you can switch thumb screw to other side but it will pull threads out soon also. the tproblem with aluminun threads. took it to my buddy he owns a machine shop. he drilled it tapped the hole oversized and put a small flange and redrilled to orginal size threads in the insert. the stainless steel insert bottoms out so it will never pull out and you cant pull by hand the threads out of a stainless thread. hes so sure he promised me i could never pull the threads out now. oh yeah the cost no charge. cant beat that with a stick. talked to ray at seyco today and his concern was that a few grams more may cause a vibration issue.non was found while trying it out today. i will post a picture tomorrow cameras dead now and i know its clear as mud but anyone having same issue please pm me and will try and explain over the phone just find a machine shop that will do a small job cheap

Posted (edited)

Great fix, but you are lucky to have a friend with a machine shop.  They are rare in my area, and the ones we have are very expensive.  Every time I have needed some machining done, it would have cost me more than the project was worth,  or I have been told that my project was not worth their time.  Course what your friend did may be something a person with some taps and dies and a drill press could do themselves.  I haven't had the problem yet, but I will keep this in mind so if I do, it is a fix I could try.

Edited by Scrappile



If you have a friend with a machine shop who works free or for small cost I have a suggestion.  I have such a friend and I had him make a new table top two inches wider on each side and four inches longer in front.  I love the extra size.  He would not accept anything so I made a donation to the local food bank in his name.  The picture shows the difference.




I retired in May from a machine shop and the set up time is expensive. More so than Labor is only about $80 p.r hour but the set up starts at about $150 and works up.So you are lucky to have a friend in the machine shop


Can you post a picture of the clamp? I made some clamps for my Dremel years ago. In fact that dremel is only dremel because of the name on the housing any more. ;)  ;)

you are so right replaced my 20 year old dremel last year new one is crap.


Gator how long had you had it before you strip the threads? I always try not to over tighten, so is it down to strength or fatigue metal. Roly

this machine is 3 years old but on my second upper head assembly and threads are loose on set screw side and thumb screw side. i swap thumb screw and set screw when thumb screw gets loose


is that aluminun nice i have thought about replacing table top (in the future)  but your right could make the hole smaller and top bigger, thanks






If you have a friend with a machine shop who works free or for small cost I have a suggestion.  I have such a friend and I had him make a new table top two inches wider on each side and four inches longer in front.  I love the extra size.  He would not accept anything so I made a donation to the local food bank in his name.  The picture shows the difference.


attachicon.gifEX21 old table on new.jpg


I retired in May from a machine shop and the set up time is expensive. More so than Labor is only about $80 p.r hour but the set up starts at about $150 and works up.So you are lucky to have a friend in the machine shop

My friend has about 60,000 square feet under roof - he has some really nice toys in his shop.



is that aluminun nice i have thought about replacing table top (in the future)  but your right could make the hole smaller and top bigger, thanks






If you have a friend with a machine shop who works free or for small cost I have a suggestion.  I have such a friend and I had him make a new table top two inches wider on each side and four inches longer in front.  I love the extra size.  He would not accept anything so I made a donation to the local food bank in his name.  The picture shows the difference.


attachicon.gifEX21 old table on new.jpg


Thomas - it is steel.  If you wanted added weight that certainly provided it.


I found a long time ago, that making and using larger thumb screws to get the blade to tighten better, Is a very bad idea. I agree with Roly that it will quickly lead to replacing the thumb screws and the brackeet itself. Way better to just sand the blades before you insert the blade and only use your fingers to tighten the blade with only the manufactures thumb screw   that is my take on this





Posted (edited)



Edited by ike

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