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I hand painted the sleigh full of presents and the 9 raindeer pulling it across the whole store front windows  with merry christmas  below all that in 1'.5" tall letters  thats 9 windows 8' x 6' tall. no problem right ... no . WRONG STORE :sad: i'VE DONE THIS TWICE ! Yes it does happen!I still have the pictures

Edited by amazingkevin
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Hi Doc

Might as well make another one to go with it

"HA Pee New Year"

Then you'll have a matching set.

What happened did the power go out on your laser cutter?

Ouch!!! I bet you that last comment hurt more than when you first

noticed you great work of art..........Of course you know I'm just


Like they say "IT HAPPENS"

Thanks for sharing, we will all learn from it.




Stevie Wonder just called, he's looking for a Christmas sign

I gave him all of your info so you can make a quick sale on this one

I'll take my 15% commission on this one

Edited by Fab4
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