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Posted (edited)

Would like to enter pix in my Gallery.Questions arraise about past projects ,would save time if I could refer to the gallery to detail simply what and  how ,I am refering to in answering questions ,that comes up ,as well as allow visitors to see what has been done and ask specific question related to a project ! Any way to accomplish this ?

Edited by Multifasited

You implied, post pics, then you made it impossible for me with 'details'

Don't want to embarrass myself 'cause ...

Sorry about that to me pictures reviel ,a tremendous  amount of details that either answer questions completely or enough details to invoke specific questions which are far easier to answer ! I guess , I should have stopped at pictures,period ! 

Posted (edited)

If this is not the answer you need... ask again.

1) Go to SSV Home Page

1A) on left right under 'Recent Articles' is 'How to Create a Gallery'

I haven't read it but I hope that will answer your question.

Edited by LarryEA

Are you trying to post pictures into a forum post that are in your gallery?  If so, click the My Media button at the top of your compose window (where you reply or write a message).  From there, click Gallery Images tab on the left and choose your picture.




Actually the reverse ,I may misunderstand the gallery ,when questions come up about past posts w/ pix ,instead of trying to remember and find old posted info in the maze of where it was posted and when ,etc you could go to my gallery & find the pix ,I hope that makes some kind of sense !, May not be of interest or worth the trouble . when some one looks you up ,they could go look at your gallery and see if their is some thing there that is of interest to them! Just a Thought!

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