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Halloween is over and Christmas is right around the corner. Scrollers are starting to think about gifts and patterns to cut for loved ones.  But since the Holiday season is also about helping others in need, we're continuing our tradition here at Scroll Saw Village as a way to give back.  This will be our 5th year of publishing an e-Book full of Christmas ornaments. This popular e-Book was featured this year in the Holiday 2014 issue of Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts magazine.  Our ornaments designs are exclusive to this eBook and designed by SSV members. Anyone are can download the ebook in exchange for a donation to their favorite charity. Our hope is that we'd be able to raise some money for very worthy causes, and provide some cool patterns at the same time.


But we need your help!



So I'll need some volunteers to design some ornaments.

  • Each designer will provide 5 patterns (no more, no less)
  • I ask that the designs are not made available anywhere else (this gives value to the e-book)
  • They have to be designed specifically by you (no posting other people's patterns)
  • Designs must be emailed (or PM) to Travis by November 26th (info below)
A few things to keep in mind:
  • Religious and secular designs are accepted.
  • Other religions/traditions also celebrate this time of year, so lets not forget them.
  • Keep detail and size appropriate for an ornament.
  • The due date will sneak up on you quicker than you think.  Get them to me ASAP. 
What do you get in exchange?
  • Credit for your design.
  • The warm fuzzy feeling that you're helping others in need.
Submitting your ornaments:
  • Email the ornaments directly to Travis (travis [at] scrollsawvillage.com) or PM me.
  • Formats accepted are JPG, PNG. Please keep the pattern in black & White only (no gray) . That way I can convert them easier when putting together the ebook.
  • I'll also accept Inkscape files (SVG). This is ideal if you know how to use Inkscape. That way there is no conversion.
If you haven't seen it yet, here's our article in Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts:







:santa: I'm designing. Are you? So who's in?    :santa:




Man, you guys are quick!  Designers, take note.  The due date will sneak up on you quicker than you think.  ;)
So far we received patterns from:

  • Don R
  • Birchbark
  • Trip


Those who will be sending patterns:

  • Travis
  • bobguy


Who else is in!?   :santa:


Not being a pattern designer, I won't be able to contribute. As a scroller I'm looking forward to seeing the new patterns. I already have my charities picked out:


Northwest Montana Veterans Pantry and Shepherd's Hand Clinic.


Can't wait!!


Travis and all the designers:

I know a Thank,you doesn't pay any bills but I just wanted to say

What you guys are doing is very much appreciated by us non designers.

Thank you all for taking the time to design and share your hard work

I for one appreciate it very much.



Patterns are starting to roll in.  Thanks guys!  So far we received patterns from:

  • Don R
  • Birchbark
  • Trip
  • PhantomScroller

Those who will be sending patterns:

  • Travis
  • bobguy
  • bobscroll


I'd love to get 10 designers this year.  That would be 50 additional patterns!  Who else can pitch in and design a few patterns for our eBook?  Let me know here so I can get a head count!


Things are moving along. I got bobscroll's patterns. Craig R committed. Thank you both. So far we received patterns from:

  • Don R
  • Birchbark
  • Trip
  • PhantomScroller
  • bobscroll

Those who will be sending patterns:

  • Travis
  • bobguy
  • Craig R

We have 8 people so far. Our goal is 10. If you can help out, please do. It goes for a good cause and helps the scroller community as well. Who else can pitch in and design a few patterns for our eBook?  Let me know here so I can get a head count!



Just got some patterns from Craig R. Thank you!  So far we received patterns from:

  • Don R
  • Birchbark
  • Trip
  • PhantomScroller
  • bobscroll
  • Craig R

Those who will be sending patterns:

  • Travis
  • bobguy

We have 8 people so far. Our goal is 10. If you can help out, please do. It goes for a good cause and helps the scroller community as well. Who else can pitch in and design a few patterns for our eBook?  Let me know here so I can get a head count!


I got mine in!  So far we received patterns from:

  • Don R
  • Birchbark
  • Trip
  • PhantomScroller
  • bobscroll
  • Craig R
  • Travis

Those who will be sending patterns:

  • bobguy

We have 8 people so far. Our goal is 10. Surely, there's at least two of you out there that can help add patterns to our eBook.  Remember, the deadline is Next Wednesday!  It's sneaking up quickly.  So get those designs in to me ASAP.

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