amazingkevin Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 You know you get a phone call,this is what i want.You do a great job matching their request but that all changes when it's time to get paid! I spent 2 hours doing the patterning ,went thru 25 sheets of copy paper to get it close and then right,expensive printer ink,scotch tape,etc and their very happy.I spend timre before hand to make blanks like this to use when the time comes for useing one.That's another couple hours.I wait outside the guys store after seeing him. Then 45 minutes waiting for the $50.00.He's not coming out so i leave. He calls me right away and says he wants a stand for it too.Keep in mind he called me 2.5 hours before he wanted this project.And now he wants it painted too.Now it seems to me that you would tell somebody all this if you needed in a hurry.Ok I tell him another $20 bucks.But i want the $50 now.One thing lead to the other and a heated arguement was brewing .Ends up i had this project for dinner.But the funny part is he has no idea how much i love to scroll so the egg is on his face.LOL Fish, LarryEA, lawson56 and 1 other 4 Quote
cyclistjim Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 Nice job on the cutting. Sorry for your problems with being paid for your work. Quote
amazingkevin Posted November 7, 2014 Author Report Posted November 7, 2014 No problem Money and me never knew each other.LOL Quote
DWSUDEKUM Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 Kevin sorry to hear about your waffling customers. For me and this is just me mind you I get down on paper exactly what the customer wants and a deposit or a full payment for the item. I know that not everyone will be happy however I can and have pointed to the contract which spelled out what we agreed upon. Just having it in writing with them agreeing to what you were supposed to do and for how much is enough most of the time. If they want to change the scope of the work being done you can inform them that the items cost is increasing with each change as it takes time, effort and material to do the new changes that were not figured in the old price. It does not have to be an outlandish increase just one that reflects that you have put extra into the project. Thankfully not everyone is like that. Still it helps immensely to get the scope of the work agreed upon and in writing, especially a large or expensive order. Those look great btw. Thanks for sharing them with us. DW LarryEA, Rob Roy and Fab4 3 Quote
Bendita Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 Money talks Kevin at least mine does it always say's goodbye Fish 1 Quote
amazingkevin Posted November 7, 2014 Author Report Posted November 7, 2014 DW, i have a big heart and would'nt want to deviate from that .I trust everyone and 99% of them do me wrong .This is nothing new.I'm very lucky to get a thank you from free stuff either.i can't figure people out? Quote
amazingkevin Posted November 7, 2014 Author Report Posted November 7, 2014 I'm with you Hans ,money is a big Quote
Multifasited Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 I hope their not on your Christmas Card list ! Quote
LarryEA Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 (edited) DW makes a good point. You will have to decide your approach. Continue having other situations like the above or make reasonable changes your customers would agree to. You made yourself vulnerable by not having a verbal/written or handshake contract and some token of commitment from your customer. They got me again.. get me once, shame on them, get me twice shame on me Edited November 7, 2014 by LarryEA Quote
dansnow Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 After getting burned by a lady that ordered something and then change her mind after it was finished, I now ask for a 50% non-refundable deposit on orders. Quote
Phantom Scroller Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 Yes KEVIN man up and kick ass, stop doing things for peanuts DW has it right you might love scrolling but don't let them take advantage of your good Accessible Active Adaptable Admirable Adventurous Agreeable Alert Allocentric Amiable Anticipative Appreciative Articulate Aspiring Athletic Attractive Balanced Benevolent Brilliant Calm Capable Captivating Caring Challenging Charismatic Charming Cheerful Clean Clear-headed Clever Colorful Companionly Compassionate Conciliatory Confident Conscientious Considerate Constant Contemplative Cooperative Courageous Courteous Creative Cultured Curious Daring Debonair Decent Decisive Dedicated Deep Dignified Directed Disciplined Discreet Dramatic Dutiful Dynamic Earnest Ebullient Educated Efficient Elegant Eloquent Empathetic Energetic Enthusiastic Esthetic Exciting Extraordinary Fair Faithful Farsighted Felicific Firm Flexible Focused Forecful Forgiving Forthright Freethinking Friendly Fun-loving Gallant Generous Gentle Genuine Good-natured Gracious Hardworking Healthy Hearty Helpful Herioc High-minded Honest Honorable Humble Humorous Idealistic Imaginative Impressive Incisive Incorruptible Independent Individualistic Innovative Inoffensive Insightful Insouciant Intelligent Intuitive Invulnerable Kind Knowledge Leaderly Leisurely Liberal Logical Lovable Loyal Lyrical Magnanimous Many-sided Masculine (Manly) Mature Methodical Maticulous Moderate Modest Multi-leveled Neat Nonauthoritarian Objective Observant Open Optimistic Orderly Organized Original Painstaking Passionate Patient Patriotic Peaceful Perceptive Perfectionist Personable Persuasive Planful Playful Polished Popular Practical Precise Principled Profound Protean Protective Providential Prudent Punctual Pruposeful Rational Realistic Reflective Relaxed Reliable Resourceful Respectful Responsible Responsive Reverential Romantic Rustic Sage Sane Scholarly Scrupulous Secure Selfless Self-critical Self-defacing Self-denying Self-reliant Self-sufficent Sensitive Sentimental Seraphic Serious Sexy Sharing Shrewd Simple Skillful Sober Sociable Solid Sophisticated Spontaneous Sporting Stable Steadfast Steady Stoic Strong Studious Suave Subtle Sweet Sympathetic Systematic Tasteful Teacherly Thorough Tidy Tolerant Tractable Trusting Uncomplaining Understanding Undogmatic Unfoolable Upright Urbane Venturesome Vivacious Warm Well-bred Well-read Well-rounded Winning Wise Witty to name but a few. Alright you might not be all of the them it was a copy and paste but most cover you. Don't let the buggers grind you down my friend and take advantage. God bless Roly Rob Roy, LarryEA and bobscroll 3 Quote
Fab4 Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 Hi Kevin: Feel your pain, brother I think we all go through the same scenario when it comes to "custom designing" It's a learning curve that you learn real fast. Once I tell and explain to the customer why I want a deposit, they fully understand and don't go crazy on me for wanting it. I get the same response from everyone. "Oh, I would never do that" to which I reply "I know you would never do that but I still want a deposit". Most of them laugh at that statement which is good because it keeps us all in line. Keep up the great work, Kevin It will payoff someday Thanks for showing us your work Fab4 Quote
lawson56 Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 Beautiful job Kevin.I have been down that road.I know the Pain you felt.As Charlie Brown says ARRGH! amazingkevin 1 Quote
frankorona Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 Well, that at some point has happened to many. Sometimes customers do not define how they want their work well, and when you see required changes. To avoid disappointment, make a payment for your work, at least you will not lose much if you would come back. On this occasion I had happy ending, thanks for sharing your experience, greetings Kevin. Quote
ike Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 I don't go out of my way for special orders, And when I get one Tell them I m too busy to take the order right now give them your e mail address and tell them to right down what they want I then accept the order and state payment deposit then, Most of the time they don't bother, which suits me fine. Special orders are a big pain in the butt, after all thei is a hobby and I go to craft sales to make expenses I give most of my finished project away. Quote
bobscroll Posted November 7, 2014 Report Posted November 7, 2014 Roly, You been at the Dictionary!!! , Kevin People can take you for granted! It has happened to me in the past, We don't like to "Rock the Boat" People need to appreciate what we do for them! Great cutting by the way Kevin, Bob Quote
Clayton717 Posted November 8, 2014 Report Posted November 8, 2014 Sorry to hear that Kevin. I am usually trusting for most customers, but if they want it personalized everything changes, I get a deposit or full payment. If they don't like it I don't make it. Quote
Sparkey Posted November 8, 2014 Report Posted November 8, 2014 Great job Kevin. I don't think people have a clue how long it takes us to do some of these projects. Fab4 1 Quote
heppnerguy Posted November 8, 2014 Report Posted November 8, 2014 Because of these kind of things. I have been tempted to say, "I no longer take special order requests " I have always received my money, that has not been the problem, it is all the time to make a pattern and try to understand what they are after. For me, if someone says they 'that is not what I had in mind', I just say, sorry, it was how I understood your request.' I never make them feel it has anything to do with them but that I just could not read their mind. I only have had one person who did not buy what i made for them and I only apologized for my misunderstanding. However, as a result. this person continues to buy items from me but I am careful to have their approval before I go too far and have to eat a piece. Luckily, scrolling does not require a lot of expensive materials so I just rack it up to experience. Eventually I find someone who likes the non approved piece and I happily give it to them. Don't allow it to get to you, Kevin. Life is way too short to get upset about things you can not change. But believe me, I do understand the frustrations you are having Dick heppnerguy Quote
wombatie Posted November 9, 2014 Report Posted November 9, 2014 What everyone else said, ditto. Marg Quote
amazingkevin Posted November 9, 2014 Author Report Posted November 9, 2014 LOL, Carl their not on my Christmas list ,but their on my list,lol Quote
amazingkevin Posted November 9, 2014 Author Report Posted November 9, 2014 Thanks Larry a deals a deal ,i stuck to and did mine! Quote
amazingkevin Posted November 9, 2014 Author Report Posted November 9, 2014 Hi, Daniel.I don't understand how people can do what they do,something doen't compute? Quote
amazingkevin Posted November 9, 2014 Author Report Posted November 9, 2014 Roly ,That's funny ! For althe times i got burned doing handyman work and scrolling if i did what you say i'd be not under the jail but on another planet for being the bad guy,lol.I don't care .God see's all.I still sleep like a log and smile from ear to ear.! Phantom Scroller 1 Quote
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