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💝 Valentine's Day Custom Ornament Business Kit - 30% Off Through Feb 14! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ×

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I would be careful about putting a belt guard on it right away!


Might be a great saw; Check for excess movement of the arms from each other.


Was not Powermatic a Montgomery -Ward house brand? Means it was some other brand re-labeled.


If it seems solid and you can get it for $50 you should be alight. It will not have a line-up waiting to buy it.


It looks like there is no top arm. I have only seen pictures but it looks like the top might have a spring or something, not sure. That is why I was hoping someone one here had one. If it runs straight up and down instead of pivoting on two arms I thought it might vibrate less. These saws were made for schools and production shops so I think they are going to be pretty beefy and should hold up good but again I don't know. I did see on the internet that it weighs 275 pounds without the stand so it will be fun getting it down into the basement.



I had on very similar ,oh so heavy and leaked oil out the bottom .i got it for $60 bucks and never used it ,Yes thes a spring on top you adjust the tension there .Not easy changeing blades,very noisey too.Probably made for heavy duty cutting production.


Good  choice!Danny, try for the dewalt i have no complaints and i beat it to death! so far just little things tighten this ,grease that.Ifyou can take it apart and synthetic valvoline grease everything heavy.I wore out one and this is my second one thats wore out but i greased it and you would never know it.Wished i'd known about greasing it long time ago.Guess they use vasoline from the factory ,doesn't do its job.

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