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The UUCC craft sale was a big FLOP!!!! Only consolation; nobody did well!


I did a very un-impressive total of 3items!


Guy beside me did 0 ; he did have higher end products! Very nice things!

He told me that last year (when-I had consigned) He had done well!


I was encouraged by fellow vendors to try again at a different placed!


I ma aware that my tiny space was too crowded1


I am totally exhausted; and some what disappointed.


Sorry A.K. no pictures yet!


Did not even get very many semi-serious lookers, maybe about 3-4 prospects, but, that is all.

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I did a craft show here in my little town a few years ago and that was when I decided it was not what I wanted to do. Not interested in making a lot of items and toting them there and setting up and them bringing them all back home again. I was too high priced as I only had intarsia pieces. I did sell one  item for $175 but too much work to anticipate some sales and then i am stuck with a lot of things and nothing to do with them. Also it took the fun out of making things for me because it turned from fun things for people I know and love to a job trying to get enough things finished for the show. That is why I like the Facebook page, I only make things for people that want to buy them and I do not accumulate a lot of things collecting dust. Just one mans oppinion. Sorry your did not turn out to be a total success you were wishing for




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Sorry to hear of your misfortune ,Shows lost their luster yrs. ago for me ,too damn much work and expense for me ,I am sure from some reports I've read here ,I went to the wrong shows ,some folks love it whether  or not they sell much ,Just not my personal thing to be part of the entertainment . Some boast of selling hundreds in a couple hours ,Glad for them , After travel expenses ,booths ,meals all the other unexpected needs ,by the time I figured in all time getting ready ,loading ,set -up time , pricing -tear down repacking ,protecting then the same unloading and storage of excess & displays ,plus being worn slap out  .minimum wage would have been more , I guess others are much better organized and set up than I !! Not even mentioning the weather factor inside or out makes a big difference ,all the way around !

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I have to say I did a couple of sales and never again. I m not saying all sales are a waste of time for some but in my experience people looked listened and walked away. Alot of promisses to come back with cash, in my opinion some people are either cheap or the just don't understand the hours spent and how low the price is set alot of time were working for almost nothing exept for the mere joy of scrolling so anybody wanting a good experience take your work to a craft sale,and this is only my opinion. Damian

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As I mentioned before Craft Sales are a gimmick to make money for the proprietor not the vendors when some one walks into a craft sale with 20 bucks in their pocket or more I don't care and there are over 200 vendors competing for that little cash what are the odds of you getting any? I prefer the home show by invitation that way they come to your house almost feeling they have to spend something as you put so much work into this, serve them cheap hot wine and some crackers its a no fail system I used it for many years and did way better then any craft sale no overhead besides the cheap wine of course


Edited by Bendita
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I'm happy to give my stuff away!My real joy come from the folks in the village with their kind complments.Makes it all worth the effort!It's all practice pieces.I a buck comes in that's precious to me!I enjoy jokeing with the customers and always have free stuff,everybody likes free stuff!My first craft show i did  $190.00 nobody else sold anything.I was in  heaven proud.I can't afford shows but this was at a park and free or a couple of bucks with no advertizement either ,except a sign out some where(1).On the way home i told everybody i met and they wanted to see and buy !Ralph better days are coming "the best is yet to come"Hang in there baby.When your at  the end of your rope tie a knot and hang on!

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I am not totally devastated just some disappointed. I had consigned to this same sow and did much better last year! The booths next to me- one did no sales--one did poorly.



All told no body did very well! Three different ones told me my items are nice and reasonable try some other shows before I "abandon ship". The vendors are a nice helpful bunch that seem to look out for each other--15--20 total here.


I will only try a few more, maybe 2-3 then resort to some other means totally and never look back! Hell at almost 71 my rearview mirror is broken anyway!

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I do about 4 or 5 shows a year some are good and some are Bad. I find what is going good and stick to them. If it is a free show I go if I sell that's great if I don't do so good I have had a good time It is at a retirement nursing home. They only have one of a kind booth. I do between $75 and $ 200

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The reason I sell at craft sales and festivals is:  I have two choices  in how to get rid of all the wooden products I like to make.  Sell it cheaply or burn it.  This is my attitude so I keep my prices low and sell 300-400 items a year.  I enjoy doing production work so making ten of one item is enjoyable for me.  The worst show I have ever done in the past 6 years only grossed me four times the space rent.  I often gross over 250 times the space rent.( I only sell at low cost venues.)  I think I may out sell most of the other vendors at these sales. I have stopped making intarsia because it takes a long time to sell them.  I also tire of transporting them to and from shows.  I sell mostly keepsake boxes because they sell very well.  I enjoy making this stuff more than I do selling them.  Setting up at sales is a lot of work for sure.

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Don't give up Ralph. We'e been doing craft fairs for almost 2 years, and we've had good and bad experiences. You learn which ones to repeat and which to cross off the list. We've been lucky in that we've found 2 different craft fairs that are once a month. One we've  been going to for about 8 months and are averaging about $250/show. The other is brand new, and at the first one we did almost $300. The test for that one will be in January after the holiday is over. Its big advantage is that it's Inside!! And booths are only $20.

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I have don craft shows for 20+ years. It isn't like it use to be, Sales are down compared to 20 years ago , but I have noticed that in the last couple of years it is picking up. I did 5 shows last year and I cleared $600 above total cost. There has been years that I just made cost, but I still enjoyed it I am like Jim my prices are low but I don't have to burn anything. I don't mind production jobs at all. I had some dog products that sold slowly so I gave them to a dog rescue unit. I lost money on that but that's O.K. I am 75

years old and still having fun . I just hope it last for a long time to come .

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My friend just came back i think from there.It'a a real big one he says .He expected to come back with a pocket full and barely made it home .Everybody loved his work ,all types of american flags in white pine and aromatic cedar .I cut all the stars for him 3/4" and 1/2".,hundreds and hundreds of stars,lol

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