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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone I am new to this site. I have been creating custom woodworking projects for 30+ years. I do a lot of large scale scroll saw projects as well as some small scale. I am a professional woodworker. I live in Brandon FL. and work for a company called S+L Millworks We are a hi end woodworking company. From this site I will show you tricks and techniques I have learned over the years. I hope to learn from you guys and gals as much as you can learn from me. Can't wait to meet everyone.

Edited by grosa

Welcome Sir, I too can't wait to see or hear about the tips and tricks your willing to share with us.This is going to be exciting I'm sure.You and i are almost neighbors here in ft,laud,florida!Best thing that ever happened to be was finding the folks here at scroll saw village.Here's where i learned all my scroll saw knowledge.I've made more friends here in 5 years than in my whole life!Glad you too found us.


I too want to welcome you to our world wide family. If you log on often it won't be long before you discover there are a whole lot of really friendly and talented folks here in The Village. There are a couple of things I would like to teach you, right out of the chute.  The first thing is about posting your photos. When you are in this box where you are writing things, like you did your introduction your will see on the lower left corner a button with the words, "more Reply Options". When you click on it, it will bring up another window at the bottom of the box you are writing in. I will say Attach Files and under it will be  a button that says "choose files". Just click on it and I think you should have the rest figured out. 


2nd thing I want to teach you is when you click on the 'Forum' button on the home page it will open up a lot of sub catagories. Any of those sub tabs will direct you to most of the more used topics in The Village.. Check them out. But the one tab I want to direct you to is one that I, personally do not visit a lot but you will find it probably the best way to get to  know the regulars here . It is called the "Coffee house", I believe. I think you will feel right at home there in minutes. 


There now I have taught you everything I know and I am really ready now, to find out what you have to offer us. I know that I can learn something from everyone here if i keep my mouth shut and my ears and eyes open


So let the class begin, I already have my pencil sharpened and the paper ready 


So Glad you found us





Hello Garcia welcome to the village Hope you'll like it here its just a bunch of friendly people that share a common interest in woodworking, scrolling and intarsia.

Checked out your Gallery very impressive my friend. Grab a coffee and browse around lots of interesting stuff and people.


Posted (edited)

Hello Garcia, A BIG WELCOME to the family. I'm Roy from Scotland. I too have been a pro woodworker for around forty years, alas no longer due to ticker problems ,but still do smaller projects. I used to do Church furniture, Altar tables, organ fronts, baptismal fonts etc. Dick,(Hepnerguy) knows a lot more than he admits to, ;)  turns out lovely work. So you come on in and enjoy yourself. We could even talk shop.

Oh!!! the Coffee shop, you'll notice you'll have to make breakfast sooner or later, or coffee if you can't cook. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: . Plenty lovely ladies here to help you out. Take care.

Rob Roy.

Edited by Rob Roy
Posted (edited)

Thank you for the welcome. I am still trying to get use to this site. I have posted a few projects but, I don't know if it's in the proper place. If I post something in the wrong place, let me know I don't want to offend anyone. I have hundreds of pictures on projects and work in progress photos and how to pictures but, first I need to know where to post them. I am having to resize all my pictures because they are too big for this site. Very time consuming.

Edited by grosa

Welcome from Ohio. I too have scroll in for 30 + years, only I don't know s whole lot of tricks just the plain old ordinary scrolling. go ahead and tell me the tricks, I don't know if I know any tricks but I am willing to learn..

Posted (edited)

It seems like most of the project here are small scale. I haven't seen any large scale projects. Most of the tricks and techniques I know are for large scale projects with a scroll saw and painting techniques. You guys have the small scale ones covered very well. Looks like I could learn a lot more from you guys on small scale than you can from me. When I do small scale it's more for therapy to relax. I really do like the people here and the awesome projects you all do here. Hope it's ok if I hang around here and learn something. If you guys want me to go away I will understand.

Edited by grosa

It seems like most of the project here are small scale. I haven't seen any large scale projects. Most of the tricks and techniques I know are for large scale projects with a scroll saw and painting techniques. You guys have the small scale ones covered very well. Looks like I could learn a lot more from you guys on small scale than you can from me. When I do small scale it's more for therapy to relax. I really do like the people here and the awesome projects you all do here. Hope it's ok if I hang around here and learn something. If you guys want me to go away I will understand.

A BIG WELCOME from me!!! By all means stick around and join in the conversation. Most of us here just love the joy and relaxation of scroll sawing. I am looking forward to seeing more of your bigger scale projects along with the stuff you make just for relaxation.

Glad you found the village. Diversity is the best part of this forum and you can add to that diversity quite well.

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