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Hello from Texas. My name is Kevin and I joined for two main reasons - first because I'm looking for a saw and hoping to find a fair deal on a decent used one. Second, because whether I find a saw here or elsewhere, I will be doing a lot of lurking and reading here and eventually asking questions probably. I'm not planning to get into scrolling per se, but mainly intarsia. I have at least two upcoming projects that will require some fairly simple inlays and I want them to be slightly pronounced intarsia inlays. Ater that if all goes well, I'll probably want to incorporate them into more of my woodworking. I do turning (not very expeprienced at it mostly pepper mills and smaller stuff) and mainly flat work which I'm decent at but wouldn't say great by any means. 


I have a trade initiated on another forum for an older Delta, but the trade is just now starting and even if it happens I'll probably still be on the lookout for something a little better. The member wants some of the wood I have (I own a sawmill) so we'll see how that goes. That's my story thanks for having me!


Hello Kevin , Thanks for joining,Jump on in and make some scrolling friends were here to help you in all ways  that  we can.I sat in the shadows myself to see what goes on for a year then i opened up.Everything i learned was from right here.You could really break the  ice  and make us some good ol texas breakfast one morniung in the coffee house! Welcome!!!!


Welcome to here. So glad you joined us.

Ah, a sawmill, a wood source in Texas, and you imply you are trading wood for a saw.

I wish you well in obtaining your scroll saw, learning intarsia, reading...which we will

patiently wait you to finish and then your questions.

Your projects sound intruiging and would be interesting to see.

So read away and tour the Village.

Stop by the Coffee Shop and chat anytime. Interesting place where the 'chatter scrollers' gather.


A big WELCOME to the MAD HOUSE Kevin. I'm Roy from Scotland. Come on in and have some fun. We can be serious sometimes too. Problems???? just ask and all will be revealed, practice you're cooking skills too, you will need them for the coffee shop :lol:  :lol: .

More to the point ENJOY yourself. OH! and have a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Rob Roy.


Welcome Kevin. As you have already discovered, we have a large happy family here who always welcome new members. feel free to explore the entire sight there is a lot here just  waiting for you to use. Craigs list usually has several scroll saws and you can find a really good buy on a saw if you do not jump to quickly.  Hope to see some of your work posted here soon.




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