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I'd like to know what you intend to hook up to the dust collection.  What I mean, is do you have a table saw, bandsaw, jointer, or are you just wanting dust collection for the scrollsaw?  For just the scrollsaw, I can't say much because I do not have collection on it.  I just have the blower and wear a dusk mask (Resp-O-Rator) most the time.  From what I read, most shop vacuums are not really intended to run for extended periods of time.  Have you looked at the set up tha Seyco sells?  Too spendy for my budget, but if I could afford it.....

Edited by Scrappile

I use a small shop vacuum that I manage to string around to the bottom of my DW 788! works fair. I also am always sweeping and vacuuming the floor. I do not think a perfect dust system exists! I used to be able to roll my saw outside and just work outside! Not able to do that now, from 2nd floor shop!


It can be done by switching from blower to vac.I have COPD .and my 788 is in my house 4' from my computer  that I'm typing on .all DIY ,I don't know if your shop area will allow ,I'm not on oxygen yet but I fear it may come ,and will  not need to change a thing ! I have posted pictures of my set up ,only one ,pm'ed for more info ,. makes a neat compact unit ,even added dremel -foredom dust free sanding and carving cabinet powered but same unit . vertually dust free !  This latest found clipon mag glass's thanks valued member ,allowing the removal of the big mag lite in other pix's you will see posted in the past !





RJR"s right about a perfect system ,none exist that will fit or work in everybodies space in everybodies condition ,if there was no body could afford it ,I'll just say modifications and compromise are required , I have yet to see any other retrofit  this dust free ,take up so little space and quiet ,because vac and vortex collector are remote and out side !


Kevin ,I collect with vac, at the source on my 788 ,at the blade ,top and bottom ,my foot switch is on the center bottom brace ,directly under the blade ,no dust ever gets on my knee. My cabinet ,the heavy dust settle on the bottom ,the stationary vac pu gets all the fine airborne dust ,while it's still closed I have to vac the big stuff off the bottom ,before opening it up ,I can't collect at the source there because the source keeps moving as I move all over the piece ,still I get it all ,while still sitting in my chair.  slip fit ,allows me to pull extra hose in to reach it all .




Carl has a great system.


I took a different approach and you may find something you can use in this old thread and may come up with your own Rube Goldberg system.




I now have the newer EX21 (long story) but did not like its dust collection system so am using the same system I used with my old EX21.  You have to work in your budget but as a minimum I would encourage you to use whatever shop vac you may have and invest in an Oneida Dust Deputy to put between the shop vac and your dust collection point - the Dust Deputy is unbelievable at capturing the dust before it gets to the shop vac so there is really no blow by from the vac and I rarely have to clean the shop vac filter.  I would not be without the Dust Deputy.  I use spirals almost exclusively so do end up with table top kerf dust.  With non spirals I think you will find the blade will carry nearly all of the dust down to your below table collection.  The point has been made about shop vacs not being designed to run continuously - I have a delay turn off outlet which turns the shop vac on when I turn the saw on and runs for seven seconds after I turn the saw off and then stops.  Some shop vacs will have that built in.  


Whatever you do, do something to protect your lungs and your health.  Although I think I have great dust collection, I still wear a mask to try and preserve an old man's breathing capacity.  You can read all sorts of things about the danger of dust and although our bodies may be amazing, the effect of sawdust (and other types of dust) in the lungs is cumulative and by the time you realize you have a problem it is too late to reverse it.


I tend to err on the side of getting all the dust you can. When i clean out my portable air cleaner i am always amazed at the amount of fine airborne dust that has been collected! Doug is right that the stuff we cannot see is the bad dust doing the harm. Good luck with what ever you choose to do! 


I do not pretend to be the Sharpest Knife in the drawer ,How ever ,I will leave you with one final thought ,as I stated I am C a r l and I have C O P D , I am here to simply tell You ,When I can't BREATH , During that TIME ,NOTHING or NO ONE ,Matters ,IT'S ME and MY GOD ! , Until my Inhalers kick in ,I sincerely Hope none of YOU ever have that occur ,Do whatever you can to help your lungs last as long as possible .   I am not looking for sympathy  ,just stating facts. Do what ever you can ,while you can !


I have seen pictures of setups with a box fan with a filter on it.  Is that worth the trouble?  I've been thinking of going that route but not sure if it does enough to make it worth while.

To each their own - I would do absolutely nothing which had the effect of putting more fine dust in the air.

  • 2 weeks later...

I also use the Dust Deputy. Have not had to clean my vac since.  I also use a JDS air cleaner to collect the finer dust. Without some sort of

dust collection system I believe you are asking for trouble. Reminds me of the car filter commercial "Pay me now or pay me later" Better to be

safe than sorry. Always looking for better eye and breathing mask protection.  Any ideas? Thanks  


I am with , Doug ,The closer to the source ,the more dust I can catch ,I want to vac the dust ,Blowing ,gets it out of your blade sight area ,thats the only good part .The effect it has otherwise putting that talcum power dust airborne is the MAJOR down side . When you have to stop and clean you mask or glasses should tell you ,wipeing the paste out of your eyes in the morning should be proof !  


Kevin ,I collect with vac, at the source on my 788 ,at the blade ,top and bottom ,my foot switch is on the center bottom brace ,directly under the blade ,no dust ever gets on my knee. My cabinet ,the heavy dust settle on the bottom ,the stationary vac pu gets all the fine airborne dust ,while it's still closed I have to vac the big stuff off the bottom ,before opening it up ,I can't collect at the source there because the source keeps moving as I move all over the piece ,still I get it all ,while still sitting in my chair.  slip fit ,allows me to pull extra hose in to reach it all .

thanks CARL, i missed out on a 20" craftsman scroll saw with a grizzly dust collector for a hundred dollars last year. the guy never came thru.I would have been dust free and would have found away to make a dust cyclone.When this thread started i scoured the net for do it yourself pdf plans to construct your own dust deputy but no find.


Look up fein style , I have 55gal drum before central 4" system  for the big stuff in the shop ,and built 2- 5 gal buckets same set up on one my x-y bandsaw -1 on my 788 in the house  uses std plumbing fittings and a spaced baffle ,easy to build .I Just simplified the manifold under the table and now have clearence for full tilt ,both ways , great suction ,even better than before ,I now think ,I could retrofit  any scroll saw to be dust free.!

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