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Strange WTF with my EX21!!


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Merry Day After Christmas folks!!


The other day I ran into a strange what the heck issue with my EX21.


Put in a new blade, flipped the tension lever, and started to cut.

Particulars: Pegas #7SPR blade cutting 3/4 pine. After a few seconds of cutting the tension lever flipped forward!! :cry: 


Tried several times, same result. Tweaked the cam stop a teensy bit, reset the blade, still happening. :grr:  Changed to a #5R blade, no issues, several other type/size blades, no issue. :lol: 


Tried the #7 SPR again and within a few seconds the tension lever released. :o


Anyone out there ever experience something like this? :huh:

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i'll just bet you got finger oil on the end of the blade .Clean the blade and blade holders and try again!I clean with mineral spirits  and put some folded over #240 sand paper in where thje blade goes ,tighten the thumb screw ,back off a little and slide the sandpaper up and down a few times to roughen it up and remove and lodged oil & dirt.Happy scrolling now!

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