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Hi Everybody.


I am not a scroller - at least not in the sense that most of you are. My wife is the scrollsawer in this family and I do occasionaly use her DeWalt DW788. I, on the other hand am a woodworker that uses a variety of tools including my 4' x 8' Shopbot CNC Router. I also use a bandsaw, tablesaw, Radial arm saw, jig saw, and a host of sanders and other things. Many of the projects my wife, Toodie is involved in require the use of some of these other tools and I am pleased to help her by doing some of the more intimidating procedures with my "heavier" equipment.


I also have a small, home-based business which utilizes much of my machinery. I am retired and still an active 69-year-old.


I came across this site, basically from a Google search and was impressed with the tutorials presented in the use of GIMP and Inkscape, among others. Being somewhat familiar with PaintshopPro and Corel as well as a few CAD and CAM programs, I was amazed at the wide variety of functions present in these two programs which I immediately downloaded. I am hoping I will be able to help the little lady with some of the pattern work for both the scrollsaw and her woodburning projects. In the process, I can also adapt some of the pattern-producing tips and tricks to work on the cnc router.


Hi Hugh. Welcome to the Village. I'm glad you found us. There is a lot of great information here. Hopefully you'll be able to walk away with a nugget or two of info. Maybe even a pattern or two for your wife! We all have a pretty good time here. I've been wanting a CNC router for awhile now. I'd like to get the Shop Bot, but I think the CarveRight is a little more in my price range. They look like a lot of fun to play with. We'd love to see some of your work and Toodie's. In fact, have her sign up for the forums and jump in too! The more the merrier. It can be a family affair. ;) You can find a tutorial on how to set up a [tut]User Gallery here[/tut]. While we're primarily a scrolling group, most of us dabble in other forms of woodworking too, including furniture, turning, and pyrography. So all forms of woodworking are welcome. Anyway, welcome aboard. Jump on in and have some fun! :thumbs:

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