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Pattern Fill Color?


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I was told recently that black wasn't the preferred color for the lines and fill on my patterns.  I had been thinking that was the cheapest to print and the most contrast.  Well, that and it was what everyone else was doing, so i made mine that way.  I have several different colors in mind.


What color would everyone like to see?  Has anyone ever asked? 











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About 5% of the population is color insensitive to reds and greens.  Personally I like the black but then i cut with a LOT of light and this cuts down on the loss of where the blade is on the pattern as I have several shadows from the blade at various angles pointing to where I am currently cutting.




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I like "A" the best and then I print on a pastel which is just a little darker than "C".  It really lets me follow the line I want better and the blade or kerf does not get lost in the pattern and the light I use does not cause reflection like can happen printing on white paper.  If I have a black pattern I will generally use the printer settings to lighten it to a medium to dark grey.

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