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Hi , do you have the blade in with the teeth cutting in the right direction. ;) Its easely done with fine blades Paul :)

Hi, If any one can help me that would be great!

I am using a #2 R on birch plywood.And on pretty much all of my cuts their is fras on the top of the cut not the bottom :?h plywood


Thank you!


I have found on the smaller blades and also the spirals, you can pull the blade through your thumb and first finger and you should be able to feel the direction of the teeth. You can also use your finger nail to get the same results.


I am positive the blade is upside down. There have been times that I was sure my blade was in right. I use almost nothing but spirals. According to "feel" the blade will be right. I'll start cutting though and the "fuzzies" will be on top instead of bottom. I'll turn the blade around and everything will be back to normal.

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