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Hello from the state of Iowa.My name is : Terry and I been scroll sawing for about 6 and half years now.I'M retired so I have lot of free time my handes.So I need to find something keep me busy.I ran across some sites on the internet on scroll sawing and I just fall in love with it.Now after all this year doing it,I start my day off on saw.I got hook on intarsia part of it about three years now.I post lot of them on:Scroll saw Village. Lot of my project is dog.All the craft show I go to,dog is one of best seller.I enjoy this site and I well keep posting if that okay   


Hi terrylee you just satisfied alot of scroller telling what sells at craft shows.We all look for the magic bullet it rapid sales.Your going to wow us with your previous work any day now when you get a chance to post them.Glad having a seasoned scroller ,intarsist as you to the village.Keep coming back,friend!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:



   Welcome to The Village . i to enjoy intarisia as well as scrolling. I have to admit that I like scrolling a little better because it has almost instant gratification, compared to intarsia. I like your dog pattern a lot. It looks like my wife's previous dog that died at a fairly young age after having her first batch of puppies. When I saw your post my eye caught your piece immediately. I hope you continue to check in often here because you will quickly find out that it is a community like no other. All the people are very friendly and helpful here. The more you log on, the sooner you will become comfortable with everyone and feel right at home here. Check everything out and download any of the free patterns you find that interest you. Please post your work often so all may enjoy what you do.

I have one question for you......can you remember where you got this pattern? I would like to make one for my wife..




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