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I met a married couple at a dinner a couple of months ago and we began talking. I found out that they were  involved with The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. As he was telling my about what they do, he mentioned that they do an annual fund raising to benefit their cause. They have an auction as part of the fund raiser and they get donations from stores to auction off. I told him that about  my wood working hobby and asked if they would like to see some of the things that i do. I told him if there was anything that he thought might help their fund raiser that I would be happy to make and donate it to them. I told them that I had a couple of Elk patterns that might interest them, or a fairly large variety of other things to choose from. I also told them that if they saw nothing that interested them or if it was not the kind of thing they were after, it  would be just fine to say so and my feeling would not be hurt. Well, they liked what they saw and they picked one of my elk patterns that I had not gotten around to making yet. I finished it today and they will be picking it up in about a month. I know my work is not as nice as Lee's intarsia, but fortunately, they really do not have anything to compare it to, so they are happy with the results. the lighting is not good for the photo and the piece has much better color in reality than the photo shows. It always feels good to be able to help with a local fund raiser. I have another coming up again this year for the hospice program in our town, in about a month for two.






Nice work. The RMEF headquarters are located in Missoula, MT. Which is where I was born. They have done amazing work in contributing to the enhancement of elk habitat around the country. If you ever have a chance to visit their headquarters, they have amazing displays and information.




Nice work. The RMEF headquarters are located in Missoula, MT. Which is where I was born. They have done amazing work in contributing to the enhancement of elk habitat around the country. If you ever have a chance to visit their headquarters, they have amazing displays and information.




  thanks for the information. These people live in my  little town of Heppner, Oregon but also have a house in Minnesota where they spend their winters. Kind of backwards form what most people do, They will be back in our area about the end of the month.   Missoula is not a long way from my home so if I ever get out that way, I will write you and see if we might be able to meet up.





You are a lovely person to donate your talent and your work so freely.  Please do not put yourself down, we all work differently and make  things differently, that what makes us all unique and what we make unique.  Your Elk is beautiful and whoever ends up with it will be a very lucky person and they will treasure it.




Dick that elk is great.  I would not be surprised if it fetched a good price and I know that who ever gets this will really love it.  As Kevin has mentioned yo do great work so there is no reason to downplay your talents.  Love seeing folks's intarsia.  I never have the time to do it ( or the patience hehe )  Keep up the great work.  Thanks for sharing this with us.




Wow. You people really touched my heart with all your really nice comments. From the bottom of my heart I give out a sincer and humbling THANK YOU

I love giving my things to others to help them or just because it is a fitting piece that says something special of them. Selling things from my page is just to help me to buy my woodworking supplies and not for the purpose of just making extra money. That is why I do not sell at crafts shows. My first love is to try to give something specially related to that person. When someone really enjoys what I make then I try to find more things just for them. I love that so many of my pieces are hanging in homes all over the world. I do not consider anything I cut to be art but rather as crafts. It only matters to me that I am able to make others happy with what I do for the enjoyment to myself




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