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My son is restoring an old farm house in Arkansas. He said Dad would you make us a unique cold air vent cover. I used MS Word and Design from Contemporary celtic motifs, The book came out of Half price books and in the discount section, The book is English and author and artist Alex Sherman.

Wood is beechwood and I found out how hard that is. 4 dozen blades and 5 dremel bits. First time doing line carving and maybe the last time :cry:



I've seen Celtic designs on paper and wonder how'd they'd look in wood. I've pondered doing it but it never happened.Now seeing how dramatic  a display of hard work you done here really impresses me.You've made mince meat out of the hard wood .Fine details well cut .A impeccable job sir!


My son is restoring an old farm house in Arkansas. He said Dad would you make us a unique cold air vent cover. I used MS Word and Design from Contemporary celtic motifs, The book came out of Half price books and in the discount section, The book is English and author and artist Alex Sherman.

Wood is beechwood and I found out how hard that is. 4 dozen blades and 5 dremel bits. First time doing line carving and maybe the last time :cry:and pondered doing one at one time,never happened.Now seeing the incredable highly detailed one you chose for your loved ones put qiuite a different twist in accommplishing a task as you've undrer took.

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