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Whispering Saw


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I headed for the basement this am. with the intention of making a picture frame or two. Took a large insulated mug of coffee along and sat at my work bench day dreaming as we all do at times. I have a new pattern all taped up and drilled laying there on the bench waiting to be cut. Then I hear this small voice on the other side of the shop, "come play with me" I'm  more fun than a table saw and router" it said. Well I thought I'll just scroll  until I finish my coffee then whip those frames out. 5 hours later as I'm dumping my full mug of cold coffee down the sink, my wife says is my picture frame done? I didn't hear the saw running? Oh well I guess tomorrow is a picture frame making day. Will  have to use some ear plugs so I can't hear that saw whispering .

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I enjoyed reading your words. How true they are for many scrollers.

I just realized that I listen as I scroll. I can hear the different tones and notes.

The blade plays a tune as it cuts. How it changes thru different parts of the wood.

Thank you for reminding us of how the saw whispers to each of us.

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It is difficult to be some place and in  the back of your mind, all you can think about is that project you are working on, or what the next scroll saw pattern that you are going to cut. I guess I never thought of it as the scroll saw whispering to me, but it does make sense to me. It is sometime hard to not be in the shop. People say they don't see why anyone would want to scroll because it is so tedious  But to the scroller it is relaxing and joyful. Nice post, almost brings tears to ones eyes..




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Mine ,talks to me ,it tells me the tension is not set correctly,if ,I do not heed the talk my blades starts to have a mind of it's own and wander and flex all kind of ways ,mine tells me if the vac pick up has a problem (something caught ) mine tells me when the blade needs changed ,even though it will still progress (but not really cut cleanly any more ) Dam thing is always comunicating ,through vibrations ,tone changes ,speed-ups ,slowdowns .it's always telling me something and always right before other issues unfold .I,m getting new hearing aids Wed, should help the early warning system the saw always sending out .And you thought you were nuts I call my saw STARMAN !

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Mine is always calling me also. I have to say it is a good day when I get to saw. When I get home from work I go turn the heater on and eat and then get to sawing. It relaxes me enough that I can sleep well. My dogs like when I saw because then they get to come in and out as they please and they get tired also. so I guess it helps in many ways. I have not smacked anyone in a while so this is helping both my anger and my pocket. lol Hope everyone has a safe and great weekend.


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Ike.!I'm Backwards as usual ,That's one of the biggest advantages to moving my saw and why I post and work in the cold weather and enjoy the weather out side ,when we have it .The prices I paid for that luxury have been well worth it for me ,my big shops get very limited use this time of year ! Yeah I'm Bragging !! 

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