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A idea came to me the other day as I was working out looking at one of my pictures hanging there of my friends and how we still get together all of us except one rest his soul. I decided to do a portrait in wood for all 7 of us left and to give one to each when we get together again.Was supposed to be at christmas but  with each having their own life  with families  well maybe summer.This  project was the biggest photo to do yet topping off my last one of 5 .Every face was a challenge  and with a printer that only did half of shot had to split picture and make a pattern of each side  while keeping same size of each body was a daunting task .Had to do some hand  drawing in of  portrait of faces as neither gimp nor coyote picked up every detail. I managed to get all seven done with about 380 holes in each.Then the frame was next to acomodate this size of pattern as I wasnt going to buy  all these frames so I found some old oak flooring I saved and cut and shaved  down and found  a plastic template  to make outside  edge of frame lucked out with exact number of curves , then cut some old kitchen cubboard doors I had in junk down to size and brushed some black paint for backround and glued together.All in all I  think I wrapped up about a week of time from planning to assembly so all in all the group I hang around with all these years will get a piece of me  and over the next years something to see how we all have aged. My next project will hopefully be smaller.Always a challenge to  scroll  though and very rewarding!





Everybody sittin in high cotton there.Great looking bunch of close friends hangin out! You work in patterning is impeccable.Excellent cutting and your trial and error frame makes my day! Now i know what to do with some wood i just got .5 atta boys here for you!!!!


Thanks all for the replies like the old saying goes one mans junk is another mans goldmine. Saving wood for later does come in handy eventually . I'll have to get looking at all your projects as I have been busy and haven't had time to see all the talent here peoples work still astonishes me


You did an exceptional job on the pattern alone, I bet the cutting was the easy part.  Congratulations you did a terrific job from beginning to end.  :thumbs: :thumbs:



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