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Some new wood to try!


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I went to Home Depot today looking for some more wood and came across these 1/4"x4'x8' sheets that looked really nice. Upon further investigation I found out they had a MDF core with a Oak or Birch layer on top and bottom. Once I found this out I was kind of bummed, I generally don't like anything MDF....even though these looked really nice.


I got to talking with the employee for a good bit and looking around at what they had in stock. They didn't really seem to have what I was looking for (despite the employee really trying to help and being nice). I really just wanted a nice piece of 1/4" Baltic Birch or a 1/4" solid wood for portraits. We went back to the giant sheet of the Birch/MDF and we started talking about how it would cut. Neither of us had used it before, so we just weren't sure how it would hold up and finish. I told him it was a shame they didn't have any smaller sheets or I would get it to test.


He then starts looking through the sheets, and finds this sheet with the smallest little smash on the edge. Then tells me "Oh well I guess I can give you this for 70% off!" Next thing you know we are bringing it back to the saw for him to cut into more manageable 2'x4' pieces, he marks it 70% off, tells me to let him know how it cuts and then I'm on my way.


Long story short, I just got a 4 foot x 8 foot sheet of nice looking wood for only $9. So I'm pretty happy, it can be hard to find a true deal or hookup now days. Feels nice to get one :lol:. I know it might not be the best "wood" (even though it looks nice), but at the end of the day I will find a use for it. Even if it's just for a nice backer.


I know this story was kind of random, but I just wanted to share. If you made it through the whole story, kudos to you! Anyway, I can't wait to see how it cuts and get some practice in. I will try to get some pictures of it tomorrow maybe.

Edited by Fishman
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I love mdf by it self to do detailed cuts .It holds together nicely on fragile close cuts. You should be more than happy. I don't use it only for the main reason of it's the worst for your lungs in dust inhalation.Excellent to cut though .Yours is sandwiched in between good wood so you have gold to work with. :)

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I will make sure to show you guys how it cuts. In the meantime here are some pics of it, and the small little gash that made it 70% off.


Yeah Kevin, that's one of the reasons I usually don't like MDF. I know the dust can be very bad. I'm pretty sure this one is Formaldehyde free. Either way I will make sure to have my mask on. Good thing about the scroll saw is it doesn't seem to produce as much dust as some tools. Also glad to hear it cuts good, and I have gold to work with. :lol:




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  • 2 weeks later...

Had some time to cut a few things and wanted to give a quick update.


So far everything I've cut I haven't had a problem. No burning, splintering, or much of anything. The only thing I get sometimes, depending on the blade are a few fuzzies. I have to say I'm pretty surprised to see how well it holds up with the small detail cuts. I will be trying to cut even more detailed things soon, so I'll see how that goes.


All in all I would go back and pay full price for it, I want to get the oak now as well.

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I used the 1/4" oak veneer mdf for valentine's cutting.  Cuts great, blade held to line much better than plywood, and edges look great.  Did create a lot of dust so respirator was a must.  Made three of them.  While putting the base on them, two of them shattered as if they were made of glass.  Does not have the bounce and springiness that plywood has.  Will make great backer board and should work great for "non-fragile" work. 

(let's see now - WPIDH)







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I used the 1/4" oak veneer mdf for valentine's cutting.  Cuts great, blade held to line much better than plywood, and edges look great.  Did create a lot of dust so respirator was a must.  Made three of them.  While putting the base on them, two of them shattered as if they were made of glass.  Does not have the bounce and springiness that plywood has.  Will make great backer board and should work great for "non-fragile" work. 

(let's see now - WPIDH)






I will keep that in mind, so far everything I've cut has had a backer and wasn't too detailed. So it's been pretty supported.


And as promised, I posted pictures here: http://www.scrollsawvillage.com/topic/13221-i-made-some-dust/

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That is all I have used so far. I buy it at Lowes  or Home Depot for $27 a sheet. They cut it down to 1' by 4' strips so it will fit in my car. I have never had a problem yet. Locally they have it in Birch, Oak and Maple. Congrats on the great deal and I can't wait to see some pictures.

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