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Wow Kevin you are really turning them out,it took me 6 Hours just to cut the first one out like yours.Thats your experience showing Well Done

Cheers Peter

Thanks Peter .It was less than 6 hours for all of them, maybe 5 hours for all.I use a big blade on 3/4" plywood,that way i can fly!


Busy Busy Busy.Vaction season is just around the corner.Are you gonna take one?Seriously they all look Fantastic! Top Notch. :thumbs: :thumbs:

Everyday is vacation day now, I live by the beach ,don't care to see it go  to it .I'm having a ball scrolling.But when i get up out of the chair ,my butt hurts so bad, i mean really bad .Guess your bones get soft when you get old and bend to the shape of the chair i don't know .I need to take a water break or something to not sit that long anymore.This is the first time this happened.

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