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Time toTake a Breather!


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Finally finished cutting "The Moose" today.  This is my first Mike Williams pattern.  Certainly will not be I last.  Very challenging for me and I enjoyed it.  14' X 11"  1/4" BB.  3/0 Spirals.




The pattern came off pretty neat:



Edited by Scrappile
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i take my hat of to you. master craftmanship award goes to you. thats top shielf. does mike mail patters are email ? just wonderfing

Thank you..

He has a note on his home page that he does, you just have to send him a note requesting it.  I had him send me paper because I was afraid that I would not get a good enough print off my printer.  I also thought that patterns as complex as  his would be hard to print and tape together to make a larger pattern.  Maybe not.

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Absolutely stunning. Very nice work, pattern, and patience. Did you finish it with something?


If you had to guess, how many hours did it take you about?

Thank you.

Have not applied a finish yet.  I am a procrastinator about finishing and framing.  I have a stack of 18 now to finish and frame.  Maybe I will get some done one of these days.  Not my favorite thing...


I'm sure I put in 40+ hours on it.  Some of that time was sitting a deciding what to cut next.  It is the first thing I have cut that you kinda have to worry about the sequience you cut in to give as much support to some of the brush and twigs as you can, while you cut around them.

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Thank you.

Have not applied a finish yet.  I am a procrastinator about finishing and framing.  I have a stack of 18 now to finish and frame.  Maybe I will get some done one of these days.  Not my favorite thing...


I'm sure I put in 40+ hours on it.  Some of that time was sitting a deciding what to cut next.  It is the first thing I have cut that you kinda have to worry about the sequience you cut in to give as much support to some of the brush and twigs as you can, while you cut around them.


I understand what you're saying. Would hate to cut something very delicate too soon, and have it break while cutting something else. Great work!

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    With all that extra time on your hands, you used it wisely. You sure achieved a lot more than you would have, had you come to Heppner instead. 

What is that laying in the corner???? Oh, it is the dog and cats you were supposed to be taking care of while your wife was off quilting. They don't look too lively, I hope you didn't forget to feed them this week  :razz:  :razz: 




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Thank you everyone for the wonderful comments.  They are greatly appreciated.



I have all my patterns made at Office Max They make them what ever size you want and quite reasonable. no taping them together.

Mike, do you take them in with a disk or are you talking about having copies made of paper orginals?

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