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Peace Button


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I realize this isn't anything awesome like the rest of you cut.  But it is my second attempt with my $5.00 scroll saw and blades i got from Home Depot.  :) 

My friend lost a button off of her purse, i said i could make her one.  She wanted a peace symbol.  This is what i came up with.  I can see all the imperfections.  lol.  But still it was fun.






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That is totally awesome my friend!! And, What! A $5.00 scroll saw? Or was that the cost of the blades? :) I know a scroll saw is not $5 bucks just starting up a joke. :) 

I think you are on to something with that button. You might strike it rich if you come up with lots of different kinds. I have seen so many people collecting buttons. :)


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Thanks guys, I cut it out of a piece of quarter inch mahogany.  I think it would look better with some finish, but she wanted it "natural"   :)  Hippie chick that she is.




That is totally awesome my friend!! And, What! A $5.00 scroll saw? Or was that the cost of the blades? :) I know a scroll saw is not $5 bucks just starting up a joke. :)

I think you are on to something with that button. You might strike it rich if you come up with lots of different kinds. I have seen so many people collecting buttons. :)




Yep, five dollar scrollsaw on Craigslist.  Works great.  Not variable speed and only takes pin end blades, but it isn't a bad deal for a working saw.


Thanks again for the encouragement, i guesss i should have stack cut this one.



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