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We all know Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a redneck if..." routine. H'bout this? "You Might Be A Scroller If_________." Fill in the blank. ;) Can't wait to see what you come up with. Have fun!


...there are more scrollsaws at your house than vehicles.

...you lie awake at night figuring out how to redesign projects so they can be cut on the scrollsaw instead of with other tools.

...if you've ever driven over a hundred miles just to have a look at a used scroll saw as a possible new addition to your shop.

...you think fine sawdust from your scrollsaw might be good for your complection.

...your wife has ever found scrollsaw cutouts in your dirty pants pockets.

...you move your hand to scrolling a portrait in your sleep.

................................you name your newborn Delta, Excaliber, etc. You get extra points for their name (first or middle) being olsen or flying dutchman.


you might be a scroller if your pets smell like saw dust and you go to work with saw dust on you. I have done this a few times and yes my pets smell like saw dust .


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