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Yea, a lot of my projects, some don't see how I cut them on the scroll saw. Actually, the plans for some, like the train, say to cut the pieces with a jig saw or band saw. Those saws would probably get the job done quicker. I have found though that the scroll saw makes cleaner cuts and are easier to keep on the cut line. I did cut one of my motorcycles on my bandsaw one time. It required so much sanding that end the end none of the pieces matched up correctly. So, the whole thing wound up being fancy firewood and I started over on my scroll saw.


Great job. Where are you located? Do you mind my asking how much you get for some of your great looking kids items? Those are out of my realm my shop could never fit them inside now since I moved. I am very impressed with how quickly you seem to be cranking them out.


Fabulous project as always Greasemonkey! I just love these rockers you do and I'm sure kids of all ages do too. Good luck with selling them although I have no doubt they sell very well! Thanks so much for sharing your work with us.



I'll try to address several questions.


I live in Vicksburg, Mississippi.


I assume the price question was about my rockers. If you want more prices, I don't mind at all.

Rocking Iron Horse (train) $125

Rocking Tractor $100

Rocking Pig (Poke Chop) $125

Rocking Roarer (Motorcycle) $250

Carousel Horse (Wildfower) $400


I wish I was "cranking them out" faster. The average time on the train, for example though, is three days. The motorcycle takes around five days. The carousel horse takes seven to eight minimum. These times though depend on how my back feels. I have had a real good spell where I completed a motorcycle in three days. Then again, I had a bad spell where a train took me ten days. Then there's the problem I have on the backside of these large projects. I get so wrapped up in them that I don't realize the stress I'm putting on my back while doing them. Then after completing them, I hurt so bad that I'm down for days. Sometimes I'm feeling the effects of a project a week later. Which is fine really though. Those bad times is when I fall back and do my smaller projects, like portraits. There are drawbacks though. For example, I finished that train yesterday. I have spent a majority of today in bed. The best I could describe today's pain is excruciating.


As for selling these items. I think my prices are more than reasonable. However, selling is hit and miss. The motorcycles for example usually sell quickly. Right now though, my last tow are still sitting at the shop. I have sold one fifty dollar portrait in the last month. I have people all the time that think I make a fortune on my woodwork. It is a hobby. A hobby I love, but that love doesn't exactly put money in my pocket. Now I'm in a pickle. If I don't sell at least the two motorcylces before Christmas, there will be no Christmas at my house this year.



I hope that answers the questions. If not, ask away. I'll be glad to answer more. One more thing. I hope you all are being honest when you say you enjoy seeing my work, because I'm soon going to start another work in progress section. You can see the ad photo for my next project at http://www.woodcraftplans.com/osc/armor ... p-186.html


Hello Greasemonkey,

I'm sorry to hear all the storys of your back pains. I know what that means cause i have a bad back to, but not so bad anymore that i have to stay in bed. Hope that

you feel better today.

I love the rockers you make, and hope that you can sell them quiqly.

The prices you asking are real low, when in Belgium you want to buy such rockers handmade, the are more expensive.

But here you can't find much stuff like that believe me. Only in very expensive shops, maybe in a guild of woodworkers, but there's only one

i believe.

Wish you goo luck

frieke :thumbs:

  • 3 weeks later...

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