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Posted (edited)

I really dislike people taking credit for someone else's work, and I called one member out about doing it about a month ago. I didn't know if I should have done so, but no one else mentioned it not being his. What I would like to know is, what should be done when I see this happening? The reason I ask is, that I was checking out the new patterns folder and saw where one person is taking credit for another persons work again. It's the pattern that is titled *title redacted* and it was posted and claimed by *name redacted*, but, I know for a fact that the pattern was designed by a fellow that goes by the handle of Oily. I have a copy of the pattern that I downloaded in 2010, on another site and it had Oily's name on it back then. So, what would you do?

Edited by Travis
name/title redacted

I would PM moderator and/or administrator on a situation of this nature and give them all the information you have on this.  Believe they would in turn contact member in question and make determination on what should be done.  If fact, I would be surprised if one of them does not send you a PM to get more information as soon as they are aware of this posting.  Sometimes patterns may look the same but are actually patterns made by different pattern makers. 




this my sound picky,but lets say if i find a patten i like on this site and wish to copy it,,do i make it .or should i contact the member first and ask permission to use said patten. or can i just use the patten  


Ronald, to the best of my knowledge all patterns posted here and other sites are free to use BUT NOT TO SELL OR TAKE CREDIT FOR. I have many patterns here for our members to use. You can sell the cuttings you make, just can't sell the patterns. There are legal issues and people have been sued and reported when it is blatantly done. Hope this answers your question.




I agree with Sully.  When you make a pattern, according to copyright law, you own the copyright to it.  If you want to go all official, you can pay to have it trademarked.  It's really douchey of someone to turn around and sell your creative material that you shared online for free.


The cuttings themselves fall under works of art in a subset of copyright law.  Some companies (Disney, Marvel, etc.) will send cease and desist (and sometimes go as far as suing), over selling items or patterns made with their trademarked characters.  Sometimes they win, sometimes they not because of the works of art law, but it's not worth the court fees to find out.  There are way too many open domain options out there.


Please do not call people out in a public forum.  It can quickly spiral out of control and become a public witch-hunt.  We're all family here and this is better handled privately and behind the scenes.  At the bottom of each post and picture, there's a "Report" button.  Click that to report problems to the moderator.


Lucky2, can you send me a PM and a link to the copied pattern and a copy of the original pattern?


Sometimes patterns may look the same but are actually patterns made by different pattern makers. 



I agree Larry, sometimes patterns may look alike. But, when you can take one pattern and lay it on top of the other pattern and get a 100% perfect match, that just doesn't happen.



I think I would PM the person in question and discuss it with him.


It's not my place to contact another member about them taking credit for someone elses work. That is a task that is for management to handle, now that the issue has been raised. Plus, this type of thing gets me so riled up, that it wouldn't be wise for me to contact the perppetrator.



Len, it's public now.  There probably will be other steps taken. An investigation...

It's good to know there are eyes watching. Just insure accusations are well founded.

They are, or I wouldn't be so upset.



this my sound picky,but lets say if i find a patten i like on this site and wish to copy it,,do i make it .or should i contact the member first and ask permission to use said patten. or can i just use the patten

If you find a pattern on this site you cut it if you want, they are offered free for members to use. One thing you do not do, is claim that you made the pattern for the cutting. There is no need to contact the designer, but, it's a good thing to do, just to let them know you appreciate the pattern their willing to share with you.



thank u all for comments i know where i stand now,at no time will i claim any patten has my own just wanted to copy some realy nice ones from u guys ,,has well there just no one who can cut like u guys ,that i have come across yet ,,


It's not my place to contact another member about them taking credit for someone elses work. That is a task that is for management to handle, now that the issue has been raised. Plus, this type of thing gets me so riled up, that it wouldn't be wise for me to contact the perppetrator.Len

In your O P you asked "what would you do?". Well, that's what I would do!


Dan, thanks for pointing out that it was what you'd do, I'm sorry for disagreeing with you. And, if this issue wasn't so upsetting to me, I may have realized that you were just trying to help.


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