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  I was asked to do a center piece for a friends dining room table. A cross with the words “ Jesus is Lord†on it. The words needed to be readable on the front and the back.

So I am at my wood supply store (Kettle Moraine Hardwoods in Hartford Wis.) looking for what kind of wood to use. My plan was some mix of Oak and Walnut. Then I saw the exotic woods section. Found Zebrawood and really liked the look. Now I'm cheapskate and think oak and walnut is priced to high. Zebrawood is even higher. Bought a slab of 1+ inches think and cut the cross and base. Cut the words out of Aspen. Finished with BLO and topped with gloss poly.




Edited by GrampaJim
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Update 4/11/15

My friend/customer really like it.  She showed it to her Bible study friends, so now I have orders for 2 more just like it.  This is one where my cutting ability is secondary and the beauty of the wood makes all the difference.  I need to come up with a price, so please send me your thoughts


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