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Jim Gilbert

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Hey all, i was on facebook and someone posted a link,  ..pattern makers.... there is a ebay store, and the guy is selling patterns as an airbrush stencil.... patterns thats on scrollsawvillage. and other sites... might want to take a look, he has a pattern i made of an indian chief, that i  had a pic in a scroll saw magazine... ebay store is http://www.ebay.com/usr/customstencils?_trksid=p2047675.l2559 



This is one pattern that i made that is on the dudes site...  so go look, and contact him,,, possibly contact ebay... 




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Travis posted about this guy a couple days ago, and also reported him to Ebay.  Yes, any pattern you create is copyright under creative commons law (in the US, anyway).  Ideally, people are suppose to pay you royalties if they sell your work.  The pattern owners will have to prove to Ebay in their complaint that they created the pattern before the guy listed them on his Ebay store.

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I don't know the copyright laws but many moons ago I had to write a users guide for a college class and we had to include the staement "Copyright" and the year. I may start dooing that on patterns that I make. I know it won't always keep people from selling them as their own but it might keep a few more honest.

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Seems this


Is the same as what he's selling as this



Also saw a couple I think are in the pattern library here.

Edited by tomsteve
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I have been following this thread on Facebook. Seems this guy found a loop hole someplace. He also assumes nobody will sue him becuase of the effort and cost associated with it. Somoeone had contacted him and posted his reply to the one group up there. It was a pretty ignorant reply as I remember. Even quoted some statutes with his reply. Would take some digging to find it . My personal thoughts are simple. If you don't own it don't sell it. As for those that provide "free" patterns should put something on them about free to use and distribute as long as the disclaimer stays intact. I also believes he sells them as stencils, and has it worded that way. Just burns my rear when someone takes things that are not properly owned.

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