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Posted (edited)

So I have a kind of odd question. Anybody have any experience with a Sharpie marker or something similar on wood? Somebody is going to sign something I made, and since wood is porous like a sponge signing right on the wood doesn't seem to work too great. I've tested it a bit and there is some bleeding.


Is there something I can put on the wood, let it get signed, and then maybe even something I can put over it to protect it? I was reading that Sharpies are alcohol based and don't react well with lacquers. That I should use a water based poly?


Any input is appreciated. Thank you!

Edited by Fishman

It really does depend on the wood. I have signed with a wood burning tool. and I have used a paint pen and a thin end sharpie.  I would want to try it on a scrap piece before I did it on a finished one





I sign all my bowls and wig stands after I have finished with a Sharpie ultra fine point.  The bowls are usually 2 - 3 coats Tung oil.  My wig stands are wipe on poly.


I recently did a crokinole board and put on the scoring line with a fine point sharpie.  It was over 3 coats of spray on high gloss poly and then coated with 5 -6 more coats. 


I routinely seal my works with a hardening oil like Tung Oil.  Once that has been applied the wood grain is sealed and the marker will not bleed, UNLESS you put your mark on and then apply shellac over top.  The reason being is shellac uses denatured alcohol as a solvent which coincidentally so does a sharpie so whala... instant bleeding of the once crisp makers mark that you just put on..  By the way rubbing alcohol will also take off marker.  So I do one of two things I seal my wood with tung oil put my makers mark on and then top coat it with lacquer OR seal with tung oil put the shellac on and THEN put my makers mark on it.




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