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Had a little 5 stitch boo boo Friday afternoon. Something stupid. Everything will heal and be ok. I do want to make a point though. I am deathly afraid of needles. Having said that, if you get hurt, go get help. I broke down after almost 2 hours and let my wife and son take me to the horsepistol. I was scared, but don't regret it for a minute. I was up front and told them about my fear of needles. They were very gentle and understanding and now everything will heal and be fine in about two weeks. I just want to tell everyone to get help if you need it now matter what your phobia. Take care and stay safe.

Mark :cool:

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Glad you are going to be fine. Guys don't need a phobia to avoid doctors it is that part of we're tough that makes us not go to hospitals and doctors, but sometimes we need to go and when it is all said and done it was usually a good idea to go. I had a friend years ago that had some really bad scars on his face from being macho. Doesn't always pay to pretend it is not that bad. I know 5 stitches sounds small but heck it will scar a whole lot less that if left alone.


Had a little 5 stitch boo boo Friday afternoon. Something stupid. Everything will heal and be ok. I do want to make a point though. I am deathly afraid of needles. Having said that, if you get hurt, go get help. I broke down after almost 2 hours and let my wife and son take me to the horsepistol. I was scared, but don't regret it for a minute. I was up front and told them about my fear of needles. They were very gentle and understanding and now everything will heal and be fine in about two weeks. I just want to tell everyone to get help if you need it now matter what your phobia. Take care and stay safe.

Mark :cool:

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So you aint going to tell us what the boo boo was? We like to hear the specific to make sure we don't do the same thing. We all get careless sometimes and need little reminders.



As for getting help, I had a learning experince one time.

Years ago, I worked as an industrial mechanic in a local plant. One day I scratched my elbow on a piece of tin. I call it a scratch because it barely broke the skin. There wasn't even any blood. A few days later I got the sniffles. I didn't think nothing of it. It was the time of year and everyone had been getting the flu. I just figured I was getting a case of it too. Then my arm started getting sore. I should have put two and two together. I just figured I'd been overworking it though. It had been a rough couple of weeks at the plant. Then one morning I wok up with what I'll call Popeye arm. My forearm was about twice the size of my upper arm, and I had quite large upper arms. I went to the doctor. Infection had set up. He said that if I'd waited much longer to go in, I'd have lost my entire forearm. Ever since that day, I don't take wound care lightly. Even a scratch can get infected. If you have ANY doubts, go to the doctor.

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O.K. Here are the details. I was resawing with my radial arm saw. Had the blade parallel to the table. I was using a push stick and my right hand (the on with the stitches in it) to guid the board. The board kicked out and my hand fell onto the blade. :curse: I was worried that if it caught it could fling it across the shop, never thought about where my hand would be without the board.


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I've resawn with a table saw before, and it scares me to death when I do. I eventually got to the point that I don't even attempt it anymore. I don't like it when more that 2" of that blade is above the table surface.


I'm glad you're OK. I think we've all had some close calls. I have a feeling if our spouses knew about our close calls, we'd all be collecting stamps or taking pictures of birds instead of making sawdust. :?

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Last time I tried resawing with my table saw, the blade caught a knot, and threw the piece of wood back into my stomach. Wasn't any permanent damage, but man did it leave a nasty bruise. That bruise hung around for a while and I had digestive problems for about two weeks. The bad thing is that I knew better than what I was doing. The piece of wood was bigger than the height of the blade. My plan was to rip one side, turn it over to rip the other side, then sand out any imperfections. After that little incident, I NEVER run nothing through my table saw that is thicker than blade height. Also, although I don't really like them, I installed anti-kickback pawls on my saw. They have helped me on several occasions.

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