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Looking for..........


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I hope one of you can help me.  I am looking for some 1" round white plastic / PVC / acrylic, (  any one will do ), discs, fairly thin.  I am looking to buy in bulk.  Now do you know if any of your craft centres stock them, or of anywhere to find them.  I have looked just about everywhere I can think of.  I thought they would have been an easy thing to find but oh no they're not.  Any help would be appreciated.



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Marg you could always make your own if you had a plastic sheet you could use a holesaw in a pedestal drill & remove the pilot bit if you do not need a hole in the middle ,just depends what sort of finish you require,just a thought .Cheers Peter.

You know  i never thought about removing the pilot drill for a job like this ,SMART! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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