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I’ve been scrolling for about a month now and with the sales of some of the work I’ve done, I’ve been able to cover the cost of my initial investment i.e. new saw, blades, stand, foot switch, wood etc. I am not taking into consideration my time. I didn’t start doing this to make money. I do woodworking as a hobby and a stress reliever, not as a business. I call it a success if I can make enough money to finance the hobby and so far I’ve done that. I think if I tried to make money at it, it would lose my enjoyment. I like when I can put on some good music, get comfortable and start scrolling without having the pressure of production on my mind. Any thoughts?


Thanks Scrappie. I didn’t really try either. I made a Firefighter plaque and showed it to a co-worker and they ordered 2. Then someone else overheard us talking and they ordered 4 and the word spread like wildfire. Next thing I knew I had the next 2 weeks worth of scrolling time booked.


Making money scrolling is difficult.  You can fairly easily make the money you spend to get supplies, pay for events and things like this however it is difficult for a single individual to make a living doing it.  There is generally too much to do and too little time to do it.  Like you mentioned having a hobby that pays for itself is great.  It is tough to find a good market that is stable and will allow you to sell enough to make the rent etc.  One can never tell though.  It can help to pay the rent, etc.  Glad to hear that you are doing well and having fun doing it.




at moment i am making for friends and family ,,taken 2 items to my local lumber yards,my pay back for it is very cheap wood i can have all the scraps i need and some full plywood panels now and then, so this is like my pay keeping my self happy scrolling


This is a hobby and I sell at craft sales to pay for it. If i make over the cost ( not Labor) I am happy last year I made cost ( material craft sales cost and tooling ) I actually made $900 over costs. but that has not always been the case. I do some production work but that is still a hobby. When it becomes work I will quit. 


I'm at peace with the world scrolling .My one place i can go to get away from everything.I've spent hours if not days on projects only to warm someones heart giving it to them .Even thought they wanted to buy it bad for someone else that would appreciate it.I kill two birds with one stone that way .I win!!!!!double,lol I'm so glad i found this hobby its self rewarding creature comfort for me. :)


I'm like you as long as it gives me money to by blades, wood etc I'm happy.  I see most of what I make and I seem to get quite a few orders & that makes me happy too because it tells me that people like what I do.




I used to sell at a farmers market, usually I'd make from $80.00 to as high as $240.00 per week. The sale was every friday, from 10a.m. to 2p.m. The best time of the year to sell at, was around christmas time. I usually only sold my items from the first friday in oct., to the last friday before christmas. Other than at that time, it wasn't worth trying to sell anything.



Do not do it for the money but just for the joy of it,If I do sell something it is a bonus,nothing better than scrolling on my back patio in this glorious autumn weather soaking up the sunshine & listening to the music on my radio.


I don't scroll for the profit.  I do items that I want to and most get given away.  I have donated items for fund raisers.  One group was raising money to send people on the honor flights so I donated several items.  Also to the church when they have a function.  Have just finished a project for my Vet as he usually gives me a discount if I take in a gift and it is heartworm medicine time.


I do both.  Scrolling is not only my hobby but also a small business.  I figured if I wasn't going to work I might as well try to sell some of my items, and I've been selling them ever since.  Most of the year it's by word of mouth, and the money I make supports my hobby and then some.  I don't really care for craft sales but I will sign up for a couple a year, mostly at churches to help them with whatever their fundraiser is.  Other than that, we do 3-4 comic book conventions (my mother and I split a booth, she crochets.)  A big part is knowing your audience, and con attendees are my people, hehe.


Never been good at the con thing ! Takes a LOT of stuff to pay for Saw and all your other stuff ,you are to be praised for being able to accomplish that ! Patterns, wood, frames etc. That's quite an accomplishment and still be a HOBBY ! Congratulations to all of you !


first congrats 2nd best advice on a job that was  a hobby was ......a old boss "capt.  fred" we was fishing and i asked him capt why dont you start a fishing guide business? he said i like to fish to much. didnt understand. then he explained. when your a guide your job is to bait hooks cast take fish off get sodas and make sure your customers are having fun and hopefully them catching fish. NOT FISHING. good luck on your adventure

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