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I have had a fight with table saw accuracy for years. All I've ever owned were the cheapest entry level starter saws I could find. I did luck up on an old Craftsman saw at a yard sale about a year ago. It was a decent saw, but still left a lot to be desired. I've always dreamed of a good cabinet type saw. It was just a dream. WELL, I got a nice one now. My son's boss lady made a comment to me that she had a good table saw for sale if I knew anyone needing one. After telling me what it was, I commented that I'd love to own it but could not afford it. Right now, $350 may as well be a million for me. Anyway, after she got home and talked it over with her husband, she called back and told me that if I wanted the saw I could go ahead and get it and make notes at fifty a month starting after the first of the year.


Its a Rigid ts3650 saw. This thing is GREAT. It has a solid fence that is more accurate than any saw I've ever run in my life, much less owned. The saw is too heavy for me to pick up, but with the Heculelift system under it, a simple puch of the foot is all it takes to let the wheels down and move the saw around if I need it. It actually has a miter fence that is tight and not sloppy so you can cut angles with some hint of repeatability. It has capability on the left side of the blade to lay 36" of material ON the table so I can rip big stuff without having to wait for help to arrive. I LOVE this saw. It literally is a dream come true for me.


I moved the old Craftsman and Ryobi out of the way to make room for the Rigid. This will be my only table saw now. I will keep the Craftsman. I'm going to put my dado blades on it and use it excluseively for picture frame slots. The Ryobi has already been donated to a friend who want to do a little woodwork in his shed but can't afford tools.


Wow...That's a great aquisition! That will certainly treat you well over the years. There's nothing better than having a good table saw. I inherited an old Delta contractor's saw from my grandpa after he passed. Its may not be the most used tool in my shop, but I don't think I can live without mine. Congrats on the new saw. :thumbs:


Things have gotten even better now. I went down to their store this morning to deliver my Rocking Iron Horse. They are the one's who own the furniture store where a lot of my work is displayed now. I was told by the lady, "Merry Christmas, you don't owe me anything for the saw". She had talked it over with her husband and decided to just give me the saw. I finally squeezed out a thank you. I was speachless though. I've never had anyone just give me something like this. I couldn't believe it.


OMGoodness Greasemonkey, how wonderful! These are really great friends and obviously they love your work and care a lot about you............how lucky you are my friend!!! Congratulations....you really are a very rich person with friends like these.


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